Cannabis Legalization
In November 2018, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that “all advisory referendums on marijuana use in Tuesday's general election — from approving medical purposes only to all-out legalization for adults — were supported by solid majorities in the 16 counties where they were placed on the ballot.”
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Being Safe Online
At least 186 EU ISPs use deep-packet inspection to shape traffic, break net neutrality. Many of us already know we lost the battle for Net Neutrality. Behind the scenes, we’re working on integrating security and privacy into our internet traffic by default with upcoming technology such as Wi-Fi 6, WPA3, and quantum internet in the future. Those aren’t here yet...
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Vote at the WCC Hearing Today
The Wisconsin Conservation Congress has its annual hearing today at 7PM in every county in Wisconsin. During these hearings you have the opportunity to:
a) Vote for two delegates (or more if your county is missing any of its five delegates) / run as a delegate
b) Provide your input on citizen resolutions / present a citizen resolution
c) Provide your input on lots of advisory questions
What is the WCC? It is an elected office in the State of Wisconsin which advises the Natural Resource Board on environmental policies. Wisconsin is the only state which has such an office. Greens in a few counties will be running, but any county resident may run by self-nominating at the hearing. All candidates are allowed 3 minutes to state their cases before the folks who are in attendance vote. If you want to present a citizen resolution, there are guidelines on the WI DNR website under WCC. Such resolutions must be relevant for the WCC or within the Natural Resources Board/DNR scope. This is a great place to get involved in your community through environmental issues.
Elections happen first at these meetings, so you may want to get there a bit early for the ID check. Once you are finished voting for all of the items you want, you are not obligated to stay through the entire hearing (unless you are presenting a citizen resolution, then you must stay long enough to present it). Follow the link to learn more: Wisconsin Conservation Congress 2019 Hearing. We hope to see you there tonight.
Go Green!
Support the Green 2019 Elections Fund!
Spring elections are coming up quickly on April 2nd. Wisconsin Greens have endorsed 9 candidates in local government races. We have a great opportunity to elect community leaders who share our values of peace, justice, democracy, and ecology - but only if we do everything we can to help them win.
Please contribute to our elections fund today to help us continue our record of electing Green-endorsed candidates to local office!
All contributions will go to help our endorsed candidates reach voters with literature, advertising and other critical outreach to get out the vote.
Generous Green donors will match the first $1000 in contributions!
Every little bit helps - please pitch in what you can to help our hard-working Green candidates finish strong, whether it's $20, $50, $100 or more!
Go to our candidates page for more info about our endorsed candidates.
WI Green Party Coordinating Council Election 2018
At the Wisconsin Green Party Fall Gathering in Milwaukee, we decided to do things differently this year: to open up our elections for the WIGP Coordinating Council to Green Party members across the state, even if they weren’t able to be at the Fall Gathering.
If you’re not already a dues-paying member of the WI Green Party, please join up right now! As we said at our recent gathering, we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, and no one is going to fund our revolution for people, planet and peace but ourselves.
Once your membership is renewed, check out our Coordinating Council Election page for more information about how to vote - and how to run - for our party’s highest decision-making body.
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[video or audio] Dec 1 Fall Gathering 2018
Panel discussion on Green-Socialist Cooperation
Green Party members/participants: WIGP Co-Chair Dave Schwab, sociology prof Keith Mann, and Keith Brumley.
How To Start or Grow a Local Chapter by Greater MKE Greens
Presenters from the Greater Milwaukee Green Party, on Sat Dec 1, at the 2018 Fall Gathering were: Bill Breihan, Greg Banks, and Barbara Dahlgren:
Listen to mp3 audo (34 min).
Facebook Live stream of the Fall Gathering
Post by WisconsinGreenParty.
18:30 Dave Schwab starts the meeting. # State Report
-137:00 Ballot access drive; >= 80 paid membersi; Campaign Training School; Committee activity; Ad hoc elections commitee.
-135:00 Platform Committee. Bylaws update by "Structure Commitee".
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How To Start or Grow a Local Chapter by Greater MKE Greens
Presenters from the Greater Milwaukee Green Party, on Sat Dec 1, at the 2018 Fall Gathering were: Bill Breihan, Greg Banks, and Barbara Dahlgren:
Click to listen (about 30 min).
Wisconsin Greens call for candidates in 2019 Spring elections
Have you thought about running for office? Even if you haven’t, consider the following: Americans are hungry for new voices outside the political establishment. National polls show that roughly 60% of Americans - including over 70% of millennials - agree that we need a new major party.With local elections coming up in Spring, now is the perfect time to think about running for office with the Wisconsin Green Party to help build the movement for people, planet and peace from the grassroots up.If you're considering running for office, let us know and we'll get in touch to discuss the possibilities!
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Wisconsin Green Party Fall Gathering in Milwaukee Dec. 1
After the midterm elections, two things we can be sure of: the corporate-dominated two-party system will keep failing to bring the change our world needs, and the majority of Americans will continue to want a new party to represent their needs, hopes and dreams.
In short, Greens have a lot of work to do!
Help us build the growing movement for people, planet and peace over profit: come to the Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, December 1st.
Click here for more information about the Wisconsin Green Party Fall Gathering 2018.
Facebook Live Stream (updated)
Wisconsin Election Security
In July 2018, Democrats on the U.S. House Administration Committee released a report on the election security of the Top 18 Most Vulnerable States (link to its PDF download). Wisconsin is in Tier 2, of 3.
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