About the Wisconsin Green Party

The Wisconsin Green Party is one of four recognized political parties in Wisconsin. We stand for true social, economic, and environmental justice. We are attempting to build a democratic society in which human needs matter more than corporate profits.

Our party is an autonomous affiliate of the Green Party of the United States. We have local chapters affiliated with us throughout the state. Our party runs and supports candidates at the city, county, statewide and national levels. We are committed to providing voters with a voice that will truly stand up for the needs of the people. Among the things we stand for:

    * Increased spending on public education to ensure that our children receive quality instruction at all levels and locations;
    * Addressing the ongoing disaster and existential threat of climate change
    * A health care system that EVERYONE can access;
    * Campaign finance reform that limits corporate influence on elections;
    * Ensuring the survival of the family farmer in Wisconsin, rather than allowing our agriculture production system to be dominated by large corporate farms;
    * Common sense environmental protections, like preventing pollution and reducing waste;
    * Increased public participation in state and local governments;
    * Protection of the economic base of Wisconsin's rural communities and revitalization of our state's urban areas;
    * Opposition to reintroduction of the death penalty to Wisconsin; and
    * An end to the "War on Drugs" that fills our state's prisons with nonviolent offenders.

For more specifics on our policy positions, please read our platform. The Green Party of the United States' also has an excellent collection of issue position statements with links to relevant websites and is our national party's platform.

Our members also participate in a variety of non-electoral activities such as supporting workers' strikes, protests, and direct action.

We have proven to be very successful in electoral politics, having won nearly 60% of the races we've entered in Wisconsin. Our incumbent success rate is even higher at 87.5%. These figures show that Wisconsinites are ready for the political changes that Greens are calling for.

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  • Patty Mattos
    commented 2018-03-23 14:12:28 -0500
    I do not advocate parties, but I support a lot, I loved your content, thank you. #thanks http://coreldraw.comunidades.net/
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 07:31:44 -0600
    I want to give a big humongous THANK YOU TO JILL STEIN for putting up the massive amount of money at a cost to the recount to verify the count was accurate thank you madam Jill Stein thank you very much and I am proud& honored to be a part of this recount I believe it to be my civil duty to do so!!!!! God bless the United States and God bless Jill Stein for putting up all this money to do this recount thank you Jill Stein