Alex Brower Endorsed By Greater Milwaukee Green Party
For some of you the name Alex Brower might ring a bell. If so, that is because Brower was, not too long ago, endorsed by the Milwaukee Greens to run for City of Milwaukee Comptroller on a socialist platform including municipalizing our energy system, which is currently owned and controlled by the monopoly, We Energies. Alex Brower is a fine organizer in many spaces, and he has decided to run for Milwaukee School Board this spring 2021.
While these positions seem completely different to each other Brower not only has experience in finance and banking which made him such a fantastic comptroller candidate, but also has a history with MPS. Alex Brower was formerly a substitute teacher in the schools, became a union president, and even went on a hunger strike to secure healthcare benefits for substitute teachers. A carryover from his comptroller campaign, Alex Brower still holds in his platform that private voucher and charter schools need to be held accountable. He has helped to keep public funding for public use by thwarting the privatization of public school jobs, and would continue that fight.
Brower is not only planning to fight for the teachers, he is similarly student-centric in his platforms to “ensure every student has access to the high-quality education they need and deserve, including bilingual and arts education and providing additional support for English language learners and special education students.” Alex strongly advocates for the four pillars of the Green Party in his platform with everything from advocating for more democratic decision-making including parents, students, staff, and residents; social justice solidarity with Black Lives Matter at School in order to cut the school-to-prison pipeline; and ecological wisdom with his Green New Deal for MPS. Alex Brower’s attentiveness to the immediate issues as well as future focus to ensure our young people can grow up without vital threats like lead poisoning and climate chaos. This is why Alex Brower is the Greater Milwaukee Green Party’s choice for District 5 School Board representative in the nonpartisan primary February 16th.
To help Alex out directly, his website is, and to help the Green Party to run more great candidates for office and support them, please consider donating at