Bozho, Jage Nagonan. Ndeshnekas Kewenkwe. Nishnabe manIn. – Hello, all my relations. My name is Aaron E. Camacho, a citizen of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. As a daughter of Wisconsin, I am grateful for the privilege of reaching out to you from indigenous land. My intent is to engage in political discourse with you for the health of our democratic republic.
In Wisconsin Senate District 31, I have secured ballot access for our upcoming election November 6, 2018. Know I am the only non-establishment, female and indigenous person running for office in our senate district.
It is my responsibility to run for office, to challenge the political duopoly that perpetuates the divisive nature of our politics. We deserve more than this binary discourse. We are more than that, Wisconsin.
On November 6th, we must gather our courage; vote beyond party lines and for the people. We are witnessing the duopoly do us in and must not stand idly by. We do not have the latitude for that in these times.
Some say the Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the same bird. We must remember, though: when birds fly as a community, often they will be seen in a flock – not alone. When the lead bird becomes tired or injured, another bird from the flock will move up to guide the community forward. No one is left behind. Instead, they diversify their leadership for the health of the collective.
Our “lead bird” in recent years has upheld corporate interest to the detriment of our communities. We’ve witnessed this when our State Patrol was sent to North Dakota, aiding in the suppression of US citizens’ Constitutional right to free speech and peaceable assembly. The world watched this with us. Remember, there are not designated “free speech zones” in our nation… yet.
“Give me your… huddled masses yearning to breathe free…”
If our “lead bird” is tired of fighting for the people, others from our flock are here to lead while the tired heal. Our politics must not resemble one bird alone. It must resemble a flock. Our strength lies within our diversity of perspectives, not in factions of polarized extremes.
For the health of our communities, we must challenge the duopoly as well as bring an end to corporate influence within our politics. Again, we must gather our courage to vote for a greener, more equitable future. Now, you know a bit more about me and why I am running for office. Humbly I ask for your votes come November 6th for Wisconsin State Senate District 31, as we converge in system change for a united Wisconsin. What better time than now?
For more information, see my website below. There you will find my views on issues impacting our district that include access to government, American Indian rights, education, environment, healthcare, infrastructure, livable wage and our Wisconsin family farms.
-Aaron Camacho
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