The Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering will be hosted by the Waukesha Greens on Saturday November 11th. This is an especially important membership meeting, as we are coming up on local, state and federal elections. All members will have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting our party and discussions aimed at growing the WI Greens into the transformational political force that we need.
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Facebook TwitterDo we have anyone we are throwing at the 2 special elections that were just announced? Here is a link to the information. We should try to get someone running in these. I know we had a Green running for mayor of Racine recently and that is one of the vacant legislative seats that is up for grabs. Just a thought…
Do we have anyone we are throwing at the 2 special elections that were just announced? Here is a link to the information. We should try to get someone running in these. I know we had a Green running for mayor of Racine recently and that is one of the vacant legislative seats that is up for grabs. Just a thought…