UPDATED: See draft agenda and schedule below:
The Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering will be hosted by the Waukesha Greens on Saturday November 11th. This is an especially important membership meeting, as we are coming up on local, state and federal elections. All members will have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting our party and discussions aimed at growing the WI Greens into the transformational political force that we need.
We’ll be making plans to work on important issues, grow our membership, recruit candidates, and build dynamic and effective local chapters. We’ll consider changes to our state party constitution including a proposal to increase representation of local chapters in the state coordinating council.
We’ll be electing officers, members of the coordinating council and delegates to the national party, as well as members of our caucuses (diversity, LGBTQIA, women’s, youth). We're also looking for more active members to serve on our committees (membership, communications, elections, finance, platform, IT). If you are interested in any of these roles, make sure to submit a self-nomination.
For members elected to the coordinating council, we are planning to hold a strategy session on Sunday November 12th at the same venue from 10am - 5pm.
All are welcome. If you would like to participate in decision-making, you should be a dues-paying member of the WIGP in good standing. Click here for information on how to become a member or renew your membership.
If you need a ride to the event, if you can offer a ride to others, if you are looking for accommodations for Friday or Saturday night, or if you can provide accommodations, please email Tiffany Anderson at [email protected] with details including your location, contact info and space needed/available.
Click here to see the event on Facebook and invite friends.
9:30 AM: Registration and accreditation, continental breakfast available
10:00 AM: Welcome and introductions
10:30 AM: Officer reports
11:00 AM: WIGP Constitution amendments
11:15 AM: Establish annual membership dues
11:30 AM: Election of state party officers (co-chair, operations treasurer, elections treasurer, recording secretary, corresponding secretary)
12:00 PM: Environmental justice speaker: Kesha Patel, Sunrise Movement
12:30 PM: Election of congressional district and caucus representatives
1:00 PM: Group photo and lunch break
2:00 PM: Marijuana reform speaker: Eric Marsch, NORML
2:30 PM: Breakout sessions and report-backs (topics: elections, communications, platform, fundraising, outreach, tech)
3:30 PM: 2018 Elections overview
4:00 PM: Organizing local chapters facilitated discussion
5:00 PM: Adjourn, break for dinner
6-9 PM: Facilitated discussion: Building an effective Green Party (non-mandatory, open to all party members)
10 AM - 5 PM: WIGP Coordinating Council meeting (all officers, congressional district and caucus representatives required to participate)
All meals will be provided on-site by The Suburban Bourbon. We are not charging for food but will request donations to cover the costs. There is plenty of parking available on-site.
Join us! RSVP to the WIGP Fall Gathering. Check here for details and agenda updates. Email [email protected] with questions.
- November 11, 2017 at 10:00am – 5pm
The Suburban Bourbon
S76W17745 Janesville Rd
Muskego, WI 53150
United States
Google map and directions - 32 people are going
Dave Schwab

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