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WI Greens take strong stands on mining, marijuana, minimum wage; call for 2014 candidates

At the Wisconsin Green Party 2013 Fall membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, November 9th, Greens from around Wisconsin made bold proposals for the state’s future while calling on their fellow Wisconsinites to join the Green Party and run for office. Delegates began the meeting by amending the state party’s platform to call for rigorous environmental safeguards against mining pollution, legalization of marijuana, and a $15 inflation-adjusted minimum wage. Proposals to charter a publicly-owned state Bank of Wisconsin and institute election reforms including independent redistricting, instant runoff voting, and proportional representation were also added to the platform by consensus, as were planks calling for paid sick leave and opposing the school voucher system of public money for private schools. At the meeting, the Wisconsin Green Party agreed to recruit and support at least one statewide candidate in 2014, with the goal of winning a ballot line for the party. Continue reading

Wisconsin Green Party calls for candidates for 2014 Spring and Fall elections

The Wisconsin Green Party is currently recruiting candidates for 2014 Spring and Fall elections. Have you considered running for local or state office, or do you know someone who is considering a run? We’d like to talk with you about the possibilities - let us know that you're interested in running and we'll get in touch soon!

Wisconsin Green Party 2013 Fall Membership Meeting in Milwaukee Nov. 9

Join us for the Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall 2013 membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, November 9th. We’ll discuss plans for 2014 Spring and Fall elections, revitalizing local Green Party chapters in Milwaukee and across the state, updating our statewide platform, and more. New folks are very welcome - come and get involved with the party of Wisconsin’s future! Click here for more details and to RSVP.  

WIGP seeks Greens for open seats on statewide committees

In our ongoing reorganization, the Wisconsin Green Party still has open seats on our main decision-making body, the Coordinating Council, as well as the newly-formed Elections, Outreach and Platform Committees and the Stop Mining Working Group. This is your party, and it needs your energy to move forward - read on for more information about how to get involved! Continue reading

Join WI Greens at Fighting Bob Fest Saturday 9/7

This Saturday the Wisconsin Green Party will be at Fighting Bob Fest, Wisconsin's largest annual gathering of progressives, and we'd love to see you there!Fighting Bob Fest is always a great opportunity to connect with like-minded people and organizations from across Wisconsin, and national figures like Bernie Sanders and Jim Hightower will be there too.Also, we are still in need of volunteers to sign people up and pass out literature at the Wisconsin Green Party table.Click here to sign up as a volunteer.WHAT: Fighting Bob Fest 2013WHEN: Saturday, September 7th, 8:30am - 5pmWHERE: Alliant Energy Center, Madison

VIDEO: Jill Stein at the Wisconsin Green Party 2013 Summer Gathering

2012 Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein speaks at the Wisconsin Green Party 2013 Summer Gathering in Oshkosh about the American political landscape and opportunities for the Green Party after the 2012 elections.

Wisconsin Green Party seeks Coordinating Council members

The Wisconsin Green Party is recruiting members to serve on the Coordinating Council (CC), the state party's main decision-making body charged with implementing the will of the membership. The CC is comprised of state party officers, plus up to two representatives from each congressional district and up to four representatives from various caucuses (Women, Diversity, LGBT, and Youth). The following seats on the CC are open: Congressional District 1 (2 seats), CD 3 (2 seats), CD 4 (1 seat), CD 7 (1 seat), CD 8 (2 seats), Women's caucus (1 seat), Diversity caucus (1 seat), LGBT caucus (1 seat), Youth caucus (1 seat). If you are interested in serving on the Coordinating Council, please send an email with the subject line "WIGP Coordinating Council" with your name, address, and phone number, as well as a statement of interest describing your experience with the Green Party, to David Schwab (david dot c dot schwab at gmail) or Erika Wolf. Read on for more information about the responsibilities of the Coordinating Council. Continue reading

Wisconsin Green Party 2013 Summer Gathering elects new officers, sets course for future growth

This past weekend the Wisconsin Green Party held our 2013 Summer Gathering. We were honored to be joined by the Green Party’s 2012 Presidential Nominee, Dr. Jill Stein, who gave a rousing keynote and helped us to strategize about the future of the Wisconsin Green Party and the U.S. Green Party.   We elected new state party officers, a statewide coordinating council, and delegates to the national Green Party meeting to be held July 25-28 in Iowa City, Iowa. Four out of five of the newly elected officers are Greens under 30, several of whom were inspired to join the Green Party by the Jill Stein for President campaign. Dave Schwab and Erika Wolf were elected as co-chairs, Adam Porton and Jolie Lizotte were elected as co-secretaries, and Michael Slattery was elected as treasurer.   Continue reading

Jill Stein's message for Wisconsin

Dear Wisconsin Green friends, Wisconsin is a special place - home to a proud progressive tradition that earned it the nickname "the laboratory of democracy".And we saw that that progressive tradition is alive and well, after hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites took to the streets to defend your state from a ruthless corporate-backed assault on your workers' rights, environment and schools.What does Wisconsin need now? A fearless progressive movement to continue the fight and reclaim the promise of democracy - from the grassroots up. Wisconsin needs the Green Party as the vehicle for this fight.And the Green Party needs Wisconsin. Your struggles are the struggles of the nation. The spirit of "Fighting Bob" La Follette lives on in your work. Your courage is a model for the nation.That's why I'm excited to join you for the Wisconsin Green Party Summer Gathering in Oshkosh on Saturday, June 29th. Continue reading