WI Greens in the news - January 2015
The Vernon County Broadcaster recently published a feature on the Wisconsin Green Party, titled "Green Party looks to get past labels, grow locally". Read the article at the Vernon County Broadcaster.
Also, UW-Stevens Point student paper The Pointer published an article on a student trip to a frac sand mine near Black River Falls, as well as a town meeting where developers were proposing a new sand mine. The trip was co-sponsored by the Green Party, and WIGP treasurer Bob Gifford was quoted at length. Read the article at The Pointer.
Wisconsin Greens call for moratorium on tar sands expansion
Enbridge Energy, the corporation responsible for the largest inland oil spill in American history (dumping an estimated 1 million gallons of tar sands sludge into the Kalamazoo River system), is attempting to expand its pipeline system in Wisconsin to carry more tar sands than the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
On Tuesday January 27th, the Dane County Zoning and Land Regulation Committee will decide what conditions to place on the zoning permit for the proposed Line 61 pump station near Marshall.
The WI Green Party urges citizens of Wisconsin to call on our local governments to demand: -An Environmental Impact Study (EIS) for each county where the pipeline expansion runs.
-Environmental impact liability insurance in place before any further expansion in pipeline capacity or any additional lines.
-A moratorium on this expansion until all the details are properly legally secured, and residents of the affected counties have been fully informed of the potential health and environmental impacts.
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WI Greens: Re-Investigate Dontre Hamilton Killing, Stop Police Brutality and Mass Incarceration
From Michael Brown in Ferguson to Eric Garner in New York City to Dontre Hamilton in Milwaukee, there is an epidemic of police violence against unarmed Black men in the United States. In Wisconsin in recent years, we've also seen white men like Michael Bell killed by police, and white vigilantes kill Corey Stingley for shoplifting in suburban Milwaukee. This systemic pattern of excessive force has caused a sense of fear among Blacks even in routine encounters with officers, eroding the trust in law enforcement that is essential to keeping our communities safe. The problem of police brutality is inextricably connected to Wisconsin’s runaway mass incarceration of people of color, showing an urgent need to reform our criminal justice system.
These deaths are preventable. Measures can be taken to solve this problem. Among them include:
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Wisconsin faces threat of expanded tar sands pipeline
Most Wisconsinites probably don’t know that Wisconsin has a pipeline (Enbridge Line 61) that will be conveying more tar sands crude oil than was ever intended for the Keystone XL pipeline. And chances are most people haven’t heard of Enbridge, the pipeline company, or of its Kalamazoo River disaster of 2010. So let me fill you in.
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Upcoming local Green Party meetings
Check out these upcoming local Green Party meetings - especially if you're new to the Greens, there's never been a better time to get involved!Madison: Four Lakes Green Party MeetingMilwaukee: Greater Milwaukee Green Party MeetingOshkosh: Oshkosh Area Green Party MeetupStevens Point: Stevens Point Area Green Party Meeting
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Cap Times endorses Ron Hardy for State Treasurer
From the Cap Times:
Successive Wisconsin governors and legislators have taken powers away from the office of state treasurer, as part of a wrongheaded push to centralize authority in the governor’s office. But the treasurer retains sufficient authority to serve as a watchdog and an advocate. This year, with the position open, voters should be looking for the candidate who can best fill those roles.
They will find that candidate in Green Party nominee Ron Hardy.
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Green Wisconsin Newsletter: Fall 2014
The Fall 2014 edition of Green Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Green Party's newsletter, is here! The Fall issue features articles on energy rate hike schemes and the Keystone pipeline in our backyard; a statement from State Treasurer candidate Ron Hardy; a young Green's perspective on why she joined the party; how Howie Hawkins' campaign for NY Governor is showing Greens the path to success; and more!Click here for the online version of the Fall 2014 issue of Green Wisconsin.
Call for WI Green Party officer nominations
The Wisconsin Green Party will elect officers at the Fall 2014 meeting in Milwaukee. All positions are up for election, including 2 co-chairs, secretary, treasurer, 2 Coordinating Council representatives from each congressional district, and 4 Coordinating Council representatives from caucuses (Youth, Women, Diversity, LGBT). All party members in good standing are entitled to vote, and to submit self-nominations.
Read on for information about the positions available, and how to submit self-nominations.
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Get a free shirt or book when you become a WIGP member
For a limited time - get a free Wisconsin Green Party "Live Green, Vote Green" t-shirt, or a copy of "The Public Banking Solution" by Ellen Brown, when you become a dues-paying member of the Wisconsin Green Party!
Click here for details.
WI utilities' rate hike scheme is an attack on renewables, conservation, and the poor
Three major Wisconsin energy utilities are trying to push through a rate hike that, as Don Ferber of Madison explains below, would be "Robin Hood in reverse": punishing the poor and dealing a major blow to renewable energy and conservation.
Read on for information about upcoming protest actions against the rate hike scheme in Madison and Milwaukee, and a short article explaining what's at stake:
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