The Wisconsin Green Party is recruiting members to serve on the Coordinating Council (CC), the state party's main decision-making body charged with implementing the will of the membership. The CC is comprised of state party officers, plus up to two representatives from each congressional district and up to four representatives from various caucuses (Women, Diversity, LGBT, and Youth).
The following seats on the CC are open: Congressional District 1 (2 seats), CD 3 (2 seats), CD 4 (1 seat), CD 7 (1 seat), CD 8 (2 seats), Women's caucus (1 seat), Diversity caucus (1 seat), LGBT caucus (1 seat), Youth caucus (1 seat).
If you are interested in serving on the Coordinating Council, please send an email with the subject line "WIGP Coordinating Council" with your name, address, and phone number, as well as a statement of interest describing your experience with the Green Party, to David Schwab (david dot c dot schwab at gmail) or Erika Wolf.
Read on for more information about the responsibilities of the Coordinating Council.
From the Wisconsin Green Party Constitution:
"Article 3. Coordinating Council
Section 1. Coordinating Council.
The WI Green Party Coordinating Council shall consist of up to 25 members. All members must be members of the WI Green Party, and all efforts will be made to maintain gender-balanced, and ethnic-balanced representation. Five (5) members are the officers of the WI Green Party (two Co-Chairs, Elections Treasurer, Operations Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary). The responsibilities of officers are outlined in Article 4 of the Constitution. Up to 16 members are nominated and elected from the eight WI congressional districts. Up to two members are from each of the eight congressional districts. Each member serves a 2-year term. (Members will serve 1-year and 2-year staggered terms in first year). These 8 (16 in first year) members will be nominated in their district meetings at the Fall Gathering. The election will take place at the full membership meeting. Notification will be sent out three times (in the newsletter, via email, and with Fall Gathering information) that nominations for the congressional district representation will take place at the WI Green Party Fall Gathering. If someone would like to be nominated but cannot attend the gathering, they should send a brief written statement with another member, who will speak on behalf of the member. Up to four (4) members are nominated and elected from caucuses. One each from the following caucuses: Women, Diversity, LGBT and Youth. These are 1-year terms. These 4 members will be nominated in their caucus meetings at the Fall Gathering. The election will take place at the full membership meeting.
Section 2. Duties.
The Coordinating Council is charged with implementing the will of the Membership as decided at Membership meetings and otherwise supervising business of the organization. The Council shall educate and inform the membership through publication of a newsletter, Green Wisconsin. The Coordinating Council shall select the number, location, date and time of Membership meetings each year. The Coordinating Council is empowered to speak in the name of the organization between Membership meetings on issues of public importance in accordance with the adopted Key Values and Platform. All decisions of the Council shall be made by facilitated consensus as described in Article 2, Section 7, above.
Section 3. Meetings.
The Coordinating Council shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings of the Council may be held in conjunction with Membership meetings. Minutes of all Council meetings shall be kept by the Recording Secretary and all policy and financial decisions and resolutions shall be published in the organization’s newsletter.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings.
Notice of all Coordinating Council meetings shall be published in the organization’s newsletter at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, except in emergency situations where such notice is impossible. Notice of Council Meetings shall be made to all current members of the Council by regular mail at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, except in emergency situations where such notice is impossible. For emergency meetings, telephone notice to all current Council Members at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting shall be given.
Section 5. Quorum.
Official business at a properly convened Coordinating Council meeting may be conducted if there are at least nine (9) Council Members in good standing present at the meeting.
Section 6. Proxy Voting.
There shall be no voting by proxy at any Coordinating Council meeting.
Section 7. Finances.
The Coordinating Council shall be responsible for the finances of the organization and shall supervise the activities of both the Elections Treasurer and the Operations Treasurer. The Coordinating Council shall approve all individual expenditures over $250 in advance. The Coordinating Council shall report on the organization’s financial condition at every Membership meeting.
Section 8. Removal.
Any Member of the Coordinating Council may be removed from the Council for gross misconduct or violation of the adopted Key Values, after notice and a hearing to the member, by consensus of all current Members of the Council. In addition, any member of the Coordinating Council may be removed at a membership meeting by consensus of the Members present. Prior notice of such a proposed removal must be contained in the written notice sent out prior to the meeting where the removal is to be proposed.
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