Have you thought about running for office?
Even if you haven’t, consider the following: Americans have never been closer to rebellion against the political establishment. National polls show that a record high 61% of Americans - including 71% of millennials - agree that the establishment parties are failing us, and that we need a new major party.
With local and state elections coming up, now is a great time to think about running for office as a Wisconsin Green to help build the movement for people, planet, and peace over profit.
If you're considering running for office, let us know and we'll get in touch to discuss the possibilities!
The need has never been greater for real solutions to the urgent problems in our communities and our world, many of which are boiling over into full-blown crises.
The establishment parties are moving us in the wrong direction. Neither corporate-funded party is demonstrating the values and vision we need to revolutionize American politics.
There’s never been a better time for people of integrity to join together and build the new major party our country so desperately needs. The Green Party can seize this moment to bring about the transformation we need at every level: in our local, state, and federal governments, our economy, our society, and our relationship with the Earth we depend on.
The Greens are the only national party with a consistent stand against corporate money in politics, and a platform that could unite millions in a new populist progressive movement. In today’s political climate, a rising party that empowers regular people to run for office to fight for the people - not lobbyists or corporate PACs - has the potential to catch fire.
But political movements don’t build themselves. We need candidates who are willing to stand up and carry the Green banner. Win or lose, every Green campaign plants the seeds of future victory, by bringing Green values into the mainstream, challenging establishment politicians to answer for their failures, and recruiting new members into the movement - including future candidates and elected officials.
At the local level, Greens in Wisconsin have won over 50% of the races they’ve entered. Running more candidates at all levels will not only make a difference in our communities, it will also help build the critical mass we need to win higher office and turn our values of peace, justice, democracy, and ecology into reality.
It will also strengthen the growing movement to fix our broken electoral system with reforms like ranked choice voting, proportional representation, and publicly financed elections.
A shocking number of elections - especially at the local level - go uncontested, which means even more opportunities for concerned citizens to have an impact.
If you’re willing to consider running for office to build the movement for people, planet, and peace, the Wisconsin Greens want to talk with you!
Let us know you're considering a run for office and we’ll get in touch about the next steps.
The period for signature gathering to get on the ballot for local races is open now until January 2nd.
Building a bridge to the better world we know is possible begins whenever you’re ready!
PS. Not ready to run for office, but want to support those who do? Donate to the Wisconsin Green Party here!
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