Wisconsin Green Party 2022 Internal Election Results

Results of the 2022 Wisconsin Green Party Officer, Coordinating Council, and National Committee Elections, and the Platform and Bylaw amendment proposals.

Please Note: These results differ from the results you will receive from Opavote. The reason for this difference is that Opavote did not correctly account for ballots where a candidate was not ranked, or ballots cast in congressional district contests by voters outside the district. Candidates who were not ranked on at least 50%+1 of valid ballots are not eligible to hold the elected seat. Opavote did not eliminate these candidates from the races, so a manual tabulation of the election was performed. The manual tabulation was reviewed by independent election monitors from the Green Party of the United States Election Tabulation Committee, who certified the results. Below you will find the results of the election tabulation.
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Percentage of Ballots Ranked
Sam Chance 24 5 82.76%

Sam Chance is elected Wisconsin Green Party Co-Chair

Recording Secretary
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Percentage of Ballots Ranked
Barbara Dahlgren 26 3 89.60%

Barbara Dahlgren is elected Recording Secretary.

Operations Treasurer
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Percentage of Ballots Ranked
Bill Breihan 27 2 93.30%

Bill Breihan is elected Operations Treasurer

Coordinating Council CD2 Representative
Candidate # of In-District Ballots Ranked # of In-District Ballots NOT ranked Out-Of-District Ballots Ranked Percentage of In-District Ballots Ranked
Melissa Minkoff 8 0 5 100%

Melissa Minkoff is elected Coordinating Council CD2 Representative

Coordinating Council CD4 Representative

Candidate # of In-District Ballots Ranked # of In-District Ballots NOT ranked Out-Of-District Ballots Ranked Percentage of In-District Ballots Ranked
Mike McCallister 7 2 4 77.78%
Tom Rodman 4 4 2 44.44%

Tom Rodman was not ranked on a majority of in-district ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Mike McCallister is elected Coordinating Council CD4 Representative

Coordinating Council CD5 Representative
Candidate # of In-District Ballots Ranked # of In-District Ballots NOT ranked Out-Of-District Votes Percentage of In-District Ballots Ranked
Bruce Hinkforth 1 1 3 50%

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of in-district ballots and is eliminated from the race.

No candidate is elected Coordinating Council CD5 Representative. The seat remains vacant.

Coordinating Council CD7 Representative
Candidate # of In-District Ballots Ranked # of In-District Ballots NOT ranked Out-Of-District Ballots Ranked Percentage of In-District Ballots Ranked
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 3 0 6 100%

Jo' Nathan Kingfisher is elected Coordinating Council CD7 Representative

Coordinating Council At-Large Representatives (Up to 8)
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Percentage of Ballots Ranked
Mike McCallister 25 4 86.21%
Melissa Minkoff 24 5 82.76%
Bruce Hinkforth 13 16 44.83%
Tom Rodman 10 19 34.48%

Mike McCallister was elected CD4 Representative and is eliminated from the race. 

Melissa Minkoff was elected CD2 Representative and is eliminated from the race. 

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Tom Rodman was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

No Candidate is elected to a Coordinating Council At-Large Representative seat.

National Committee Delegate and Alternates
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Percentage of Ballots Ranked
Dave Schwab 26 3 89.66%
Mike McCallister 25 4 86.21%
Melissa Minkoff 23 6 79.31%
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 23 6 79.31%
Sam Chance 21 8 72.41%

All candidates were ranked on a majority of ballots and were eligible for election. Below are the rankings.

Candidate 1st Ranked 2nd Ranked 3rd Ranked 4th Ranked 5th Ranked
Dave Schwab 10 4 7 4 1
Mike McCallister 7 9 3 4 2
Melissa Minkoff 6 6 5 4 2
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 3 3 6 5 6
Sam Chance 3 4 3 5 6
The quota to be awarded a seat is 6. 
In the first round, which is based on first rankings, Dave Schwab, Mike McCallister, and Melissa Minkoff met or exceeded the quota of 6. Neither Sam Chance nor Jo' Nathan Kingfisher met the quota in Round 1.
Because there are four seats to be filled, this triggered the first round of vote transfers. Since Dave Schwab was the candidate who exceeded the quota by the largest margins his four surplus votes were transferred in Round 2. Sam Chance and Jo' Nathan Kingfisher were each respectively ranked preferentially (above each other) on 5 of the 10 ballots where Dave Schwab was ranked first. The four surplus votes were allocated equally to Sam Chance and Jo' Nathan Kingfisher in Round 2 resulting in both receiving 2 additional votes, which brought them each to 5 votes. Because neither Sam Chance nor Jo' Nathan Kingfisher met the quota in Round 2, this triggered the second round of vote transfers. 
Mike McCallister's 1 surplus vote was transferred in round 3. Mike McCallister received 7 votes, so the 1 surplus vote was divided by 7 for the purpose of the vote transfer. The votes were distributed proportionally in the same manner as Dave Schwab's surplus votes. Ballots where neither Sam Chance nor Jo' Nathan Kingfisher were ranked were exhausted. This resulted in Sam Chance receiving 2/7 or 0.42855 additional votes for a total of 5.42855, Jo' Nathan Kingfisher receiving 0.28570 additional votes for a total of 5.28570 votes, and 0.28575 votes being exhausted. Neither Sam Chance nor Jo' Nathan Kingfisher met the quota in round 3.
Because Melissa Minkoff had not exceeded the quota no further surplus votes could be transferred, and the candidate with the least votes was eliminated and their votes were transferred or exhausted. Sam Chance had more votes at the end of round 3, so Jo' Nathan Kingfisher was eliminated and his votes were transferred. Jo' Nathan Kingfisher had 5.28571 votes. These were transferred to Sam Chance if he was ranked on a ballot that was allocated to Jo' Nathan Kingfisher, and exhausted if Sam Chance was not ranked on the ballot. Ballots where Jo' Nathan Kingfisher was the first ranked candidate were transferred with a value of 1.00000, ballots where Dave Schwab was ranked first were transferred with a value of 2/5 or 0.40000, and ballots where Mike McCallister was ranked first were transferred with a value of 1/7 or 0.14286. This resulted in Sam Chance being awarded 1.88570 additional votes, and 3.4 votes being exhausted. The additional 1.88572 transferred to Sam Chance in round 4 granted him a total of 7.31427 votes and allowed him to satisfy the quota of 6.
Dave Schwab and Mike McCallister are the two top-ranked candidates. They both may designate whether they wish to serve as National Committee Delegate or Alternate. If either or both decide to serve as alternates, Melissa Minkoff will have the first selection, followed by Sam Chance.

Proposal 1: Amend Platform Section I. Democracy, B. Political Reform.

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
25 3 1 29 28 89.29% 3.45% Yes

Proposal 1 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 2: Amend Platform Section II. Social Justice, B. Civil Rights and Equal Rights.

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
20 5 4 29 25 80.00% 13.79% Yes

Proposal 2 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 3: Amend Platform Section II. Social Justice, H Criminal Justice. (Legalize Psilocybin)

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
26 3 0 29 29 90% 0.00% Yes

Proposal 3 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 4: Amend Platform Section II. Social Justice, H Criminal Justice. (Community Control of Police)

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
28 0 1 29 28 100.00% 3.45% Yes

Proposal 4 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 5: Amend Platform Section IV. Economic Justice and Sustainability, D. Livable Income.

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
28 1 0 29 29 96.55% 0.00% Yes

Proposal 5 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 6: Amend Platform Section IV Economic Justice and Sustainability, D Livable Income, plank 1

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
28 0 1 29 28 100.00% 96.55% Yes

Proposal 6 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Platform.

Proposal 7: Amend Bylaws Article 2 Meetings, Section 3 Membership Meetings. Online Meetings.

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
26 1 2 29 27 96.30% 6.90% Yes

Proposal 7 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Bylaws.

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