WI Green Party Spring Gathering & Presidential Nominating Convention 2016

This year’s Wisconsin Green Party Spring Gathering and Presidential Nominating Convention will take place at the UW-Madison on Saturday, April 16.

Starting at 10am we'll hear from several Green Presidential candidates, followed by a Q&A. The presidential preference voting and ballot count will occur after the candidate forum. To participate in the vote, you should be a Green Party member in good standing - see information about joining here.

After lunch, we'll hold workshops on getting involved with the Green Party and rebuilding local democracy.

We will also take care of party business, including election of officers and delegates to the Green Party US Annual National Meeting & Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston, TX on August 4-7, 2016.

We will be electing two co-chairs of the Wisconsin Green Party - see more information about the co-chair position and how to self-nominate.

If you are considering running for office as a Green, please let us know using our online form before our 4/16 gathering.

We will post the room location a couple of days before the event once it is assigned.

There will also be time afterwards for socializing with changemakers from around the state, so plan to stick around if you can!

The candidates for the Green Presidential nomination include Darryl Cherney, William Kreml, Kent Philip Mesplay, Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry, and Jill Stein. So far, all candidates except Cherney have confirmed that they will participate in person or virtually. Information on each is available here.

We hope you are able to attend in person, but understand that many may not be able to. If you are not able to attend, you may vote online. Please indicate your preference for President by Friday April 15th.

It's a great year to go Green, and this is sure to be a memorable gathering. Come be a part of the grassroots movement for peace, justice, democracy and ecology!

Parking info: Lot 7, Grainger Hall Garage, Inside Lower Level, 325 N. Brooks Street, Madison, WI 53706

  • April 16, 2016 at 9:00am – 5pm
  • Educational Sciences 228, UW Madison
    1025 W Johnson St
    Madison, WI 53706
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 12 people are going
  • Dave Schwab

Kathy Sommers Bill Breihan Christopher Sarauer Marcus Hart George Martin David Soumis Jeffrey Lewis Jerry Janacek Mike McCallister Michael White David Schwab

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