WI Green Party Fall Gathering 2018

After the midterm elections, two things we can be sure of: the corporate-dominated two-party system will keep failing to bring the change our world needs, and the majority of Americans will continue to want a new party to represent their needs, hopes and dreams.

In short, Greens have a lot of work to do!

Help us build the growing movement for people, planet and peace over profit: come to the Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, December 1st.

Read on for details, including schedule, draft agenda, and other key information.

The Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall Gathering will be hosted by the Greater Milwaukee Greens on Saturday December 1 at St. Francis Church Community Room in the Capuchin Monastery, 1927 Vel R. Phillips Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53212.

Click here to see the event on Facebook and invite friends!

Facebook Live Stream

All are welcome. If you would like to participate in decision-making, you should be a dues-paying member of the WIGP in good standing. Click here for information on how to become a member or renew your membership: https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/join.

This is an especially important membership meeting, as we have just finished the Fall election cycle and are already looking forward to Spring elections and other opportunities to make change, both inside and outside the political system.

All members will have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting our party and discussions aimed at growing the Wisconsin Green Party into the transformational political force that we need.

We’ll be making plans to work on important issues, grow our membership, recruit candidates, and build dynamic and effective local chapters.

We’ll be electing officers, members of the coordinating council, delegates to the national party, caucus members (diversity, LGBTQIA, women’s, youth), as well as looking for more active members to serve on our committees (membership, communications, elections, finance, platform, and IT).

For more information on these opportunities to help build the party for people, planet and peace, check out our Officers page, our Committees page, and our Caucuses page.

Open officer positions include co-chair, elections treasurer, operations treasurer, recording secretary, and corresponding secretary. We will be electing coordinating council representatives: 1 from each congressional district, 1 from each accredited local chapter, 1 from each caucus, and up to 8 at large; as well as 3 national committee delegates and up to 3 alternate delegates.

If you are interested in any of these roles, click here to submit a self-nomination. Please include the position you seek and why you think you would be a good fit.

For members elected to the coordinating council, we are planning to hold a coordinating council meeting and strategy session on Sunday December 2 at the same venue from 10am to 3pm.

If you need a ride to the event, if you can offer a ride to others, if you are looking for accommodations for Friday or Saturday night, or if you can provide accommodations, please contact Tiffany Anderson at:

Agenda for Saturday December 1st Membership Meeting

9:30     Registration
10:00   Welcome & State and Chapter reports
10:30   Accreditation of local chapters
11:00   Vote on annual budget
12:00   Lunch, caucus meetings, and breakout discussions for committees
1:30      Election of WIGP officers, Coordinating Council representatives, and National Committee delegates; solicit volunteers for national committees
2:30     Organizing workshop - Milwaukee Greens
3:30     Jill Stein - Keynote (via remote video call) and discussion
4:00     Panel discussion on Green-socialist cooperation
5:30     Adjourn official meeting, break for dinner
6:30     Begin facilitated discussion: what next for the WIGP?
9:00     Finish facilitated discussion

Agenda for Sunday December 2nd Newly Elected Coordinating Council Meeting

10:00   Brainstorm officer responsibilities
11:00   Building local parties and recruiting candidates
12:00   Lunch
12:30   Strategic planning
3:00     Adjourn

All meals will be provided on-site. There will be vegetarian and vegan options available. We are not charging for food but are requesting donations to cover the costs. There is plenty of parking available on-site.

There will also be newly designed Wisconsin Green Party t-shirts on sale!

We encourage everyone to attend in person if able, but for those who are unable to be in physical attendance, we will be livestreaming Saturday’s membership meeting on the Wisconsin Green Party Facebook Page.

Join us! RSVP below. Check this page for event updates. Email [email protected] with questions.

  • December 01, 2018 at 9:30am – 5:30pm
  • Capuchin Monastery
    1927 Vel R Phillips Ave
    St. Francis Church Community Room
    Milwaukee, WI 53212
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 7 people are going
  • Tom Rodman
Sam Michael Tiffany Shaw Kay Mann Adam Kassulke

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