The Wisconsin Green Party 2020 Spring Gathering and Presidential Nominating Convention will be held on Saturday April 18, 2020.
Watch the meeting on livestream here
Due to precautions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic this gathering will be held virtually using video-conferencing software. Attendees will be sent information about how to join the gathering online after they register.
This gathering will serve as the WIGP's state membership meeting as well as our Presidential nominating convention. All dues-paying WIGP members in good standing will be eligible to participate in decision-making and voting, including in our ranked-choice vote for the 2020 Presidential nominee of Green Party US.
You can become a dues-paying member of the WIGP or renew your membership here.
To see the event on Facebook and invite friends, go here (note that if you want to register, you still need to RSVP on this webpage).
Come with your ideas about how to grow the Green Party and support allied movements for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!
Check back here for agenda updates and other news. We will be sending emails to members with updates, and making announcements on our Facebook page and Twitter account.
Please join us for the 2020 WIGP Spring Gathering and help build the movement for people, planet, and peace over profit!
10:00 - Convene, welcome from co-chairs and short introductions
10:15 - Co-chairs’ introduction
10:30 - Officer and Committee Reports
11:00 - Brief remarks by candidates and electeds
11:15 - Voting on party business
- How to vote
- Presidential nomination
- Delegate nominations
- Bylaws amendment - change WIGP decision-making threshold from two-thirds to 60%
11:45 - Lunch break
12:30 - Reconvene, announcements
12:35 - Call for volunteers and committee members
1:00 - Presidential forum
- Candidate statements
- Q&A session with moderated questions
2:00 - Members’ discussion of presidential candidates
2:50 - Break
3:00 - Building the Green Party in Wisconsin - a group brainstorm discussion
3:50 - Closing address, thank yous and adjournment
4:00 - 5:00 - Optional facilitated discussion - getting involved with the Green Party
- April 18, 2020 at 10:00am – 5pm
- Online
- 63 people are going
Barb Dahlgren

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