Vote at the WCC Hearing Today

The Wisconsin Conservation Congress has its annual hearing today at 7PM in every county in Wisconsin.  During these hearings you have the opportunity to:

a) Vote for two delegates (or more if your county is missing any of its five delegates) / run as a delegate

b) Provide your input on citizen resolutions / present a citizen resolution

c) Provide your input on lots of advisory questions

What is the WCC?  It is an elected office in the State of Wisconsin which advises the Natural Resource Board on environmental policies.  Wisconsin is the only state which has such an office.  Greens in a few counties will be running, but any county resident may run by self-nominating at the hearing.  All candidates are allowed 3 minutes to state their cases before the folks who are in attendance vote.  If you want to present a citizen resolution, there are guidelines on the WI DNR website under WCC.  Such resolutions must be relevant for the WCC or within the Natural Resources Board/DNR scope.  This is a great place to get involved in your community through environmental issues.

Elections happen first at these meetings, so you may want to get there a bit early for the ID check.  Once you are finished voting for all of the items you want, you are not obligated to stay through the entire hearing (unless you are presenting a citizen resolution, then you must stay long enough to present it).  Follow the link to learn more: Wisconsin Conservation Congress 2019 Hearing.  We hope to see you there tonight.

Go Green!

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