The Green Party's Vice Presidential Candidate Ajamu Baraka will make two appearances in Madison on Thursday, September 15th. Join Ajamu at a meet-and-greet and then hear him open the Fighting Bob Barrymore event afterwards.
The Wisconsin Green Party invites you to meet and get to know Ajamu Baraka and hear more about the importance of our 2016 Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka Campaign from 5 to 6:30 pm on Thursday, September 15th at the Dobhan Restaurant, 2110 Atwood Ave, Madison, just a few doors from the Barrymore Theatre. Suggested donation $19.99 for the 99% includes food, Cash bar.
Immediately following at 7pm, Mr. Baraka will be opening the Fighting Bob’s Kick-Off ‘Election 2016’ at the Barrymore. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased here. Following Mr. Baraka's talk, Greg Palast will feature the Midwest premiere of "The Best Democracy Money can Buy."
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