As decided by Wisconsin Green Party members at the 2021 Spring Gathering, today all WIGP members in good standing are being sent a ballot to vote on proposed changes to WIGP bylaws discussed at the Spring Gathering and previously at the 2020 Fall Gathering. Members are able to vote until Wednesday April 21 at 11:59 PM.
Read on for the text of the proposed bylaws changes, as well as information about who to contact if you have questions about the vote.
Proposal 1: Add Article 2, Section 8: Removal
Any member of the Wisconsin Green Party may be removed from Membership in the organization for gross misconduct or violation of the adopted Key Values, Platform, or code of conduct adopted by the Party, by decision of the Membership or the Coordinating Council. Notice of such a proposed removal must be sent out prior to the meeting where it is proposed. The member in question shall receive a notice before the meeting at which the decision is to be made, and a hearing if requested.
Proposal 2: Amend Article 10: Discrimination, Section 1: Conduct
Discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity, national origin, handicap, parenthood or color in the conduct of the affairs of the Wisconsin Green Party is prohibited
Discrimination on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, culture, national origin, social and economic class, educational level, color, immigration status, size, family status, or mental or physical ability in the conduct of the affairs of the Wisconsin Green Party is prohibited.
Please vote at your earliest convenience, in order to give yourself as much time as possible to contact us in case of unforeseen technical issues with voting.
Questions? Please contact IT Committee Chair Tom Rodman at [email protected] or contact the WIGP here.
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