A record snow flood melt season has begun this week in northern Wisconsin. With this flooding comes the possibility of damage to Enbridge's Line 5 petro-pipeline. Already exposed and damaged, Line 5 is extra dangerous and threatens catastrophic failure with this record snow melt flood.
Owned by Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, Line 5 carries millions of gallons of crude oil and natural gas liquids through northern Wisconsin. Originally constructed in 1953, the Line 5 pipeline has already aged years past its designed lifespan while fueling a human-caused climate crisis. The deterioration of Line 5 poses a continuous threat to vast stretches of Wisconsin’s natural areas, freshwater sources (rivers, lakes, streams, and wetlands), farmlands, and tribal lands along the pipeline’s route.
We are asking Wisconsin Greens to draw attention to this urgent threat to our environment and petition our legislators to take swift and decisive action before disaster occurs. Please contact the Wisconsin governor to make a citizen complaint against Enbridge, Line 5 and put the emergency brakes on the fossil fuel flow before flooding and age break the pipeline wide open.
To contact Governor Evers, you may call (608) 266-1212 (Madison office) or (414) 227-4344 (Milwaukee office). For other ways to contact Governor Evers, visit https://evers.wi.gov/pages/connect.aspx.
We also ask that you contact your local elected officials and ask them to take action as well. To find information about your elected officials, including contact information, please visit https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/My-Elected-Officials and enter your address.
Wisconsinites and other living beings in our state depend upon and deserve access to safe, clean, drinkable water. Our friends, loved ones, and neighbors in northern Wisconsin don't want to drink pollutants, poison, and cancer. Oil pipeline failures cause immense harm to waterways, local ecologies, plants, and wildlife. Please contact your elected representatives and ask them to act now to stop the environmental devastation caused and threatened by Line 5 and Enbridge.
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