You're invited to a special Stevens Point area meeting with Wisconsin Green Party for a forum on working people and wages. "Fight the GOP Wage Thievery Bill, FIght for the $15 Wage and For Unions." January 6 2014 6:30 p.m. at Kristin's Riverwalk, 1140 Clark Street Stevens Point, corner banquet room.
"Leaders of union and non-union workers are being invited. Let's discuss how to prevent the harmful Taft-Hartley Act state bill being introduced by Assemblyman Kapenga. This is really the nuclear option for destroying organized labor in our state. Let's form working teams in your area to help raise, not lower, the living standards for low-age and middle-income workers both." Hope to see you there. First pizza is on us, and a full menu of appetizers is available to order from. Call Bob at 715-630-4207 if you can speak for labor.
- January 06, 2014 at 6:30pm – 8pm
Kristin's Riverwalk
1140 Clark St
Stevens Point, WI 54481
United States
Google map and directions -
Bob Gifford
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