St. Croix County Green Party Organizational Meeting

The purpose of this Event is to meet with other like minded, Green Party neighbors. We will be starting a Green Party Chapter for St. Croix County. It is a very critical time to get organized, and be able to make a difference in our own communities. We are very excited to open a chapter in our County and look forward to meeting all of you. We have not had a Green Party Chapter in our area for some time, and there isn't a more important time for other like minded people to gather and come together. Hope to see you there! Any questions, feel free to message me. Also if you are in a neighboring county and looking for a new home, we welcome you to join us as well.

  • January 19, 2017 at 5:00pm – 9pm
  • Green Mill - Hudson
    2410 Gateway Ct
    Hudson, WI 54016
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 2 people are going
  • Melissa Thomas
Melissa Thomas

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