Wisconsin Green Party responds to misinformation on "Rage Against the War Machine" event

False information is being shared about the Wisconsin Green Party’s relationship to a February 19th, 2023 demonstration in Milwaukee which was organized as a sister event for the “Rage Against the War Machine” rally held in Washington, DC on the same date. The Wisconsin Green Party did not partner with any other organizations, endorse, or in any way support “Rage Against the War Machine” or the organizing of the February 19th event in Milwaukee.

The question of supporting the demonstration was discussed amongst members of the WIGP Coordinating Council in the weeks preceding February 19th, and was considered again during the February 15th, 2023 Wisconsin Green Party Coordinating Council meeting.  Following this discussion, WIGP leadership voted 6-2 not to endorse the rally.

Those who opposed endorsing the February 19th rally recognize that peace on a global scale cannot be achieved without social justice.  The views and goals of numerous organizations and individuals who planned and participated in the Rage Against the War Machine Rally contradict the Wisconsin Green Party’s commitment to social justice and equity for all as outlined as part of our party’s Four Pillars:

The Wisconsin Green Party opposes all manifestations of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and discrimination. We fight to end the root causes of these issues through education and empowering people through collective action. We fully respect the rights and sovereignty of the Native American Nations. We defend civil rights and liberties against any encroachments and seek to expand their scope. We envision social justice in which people are actually treated equally before the law and in their day to day lives.

The primary organizers of Rage Against the War Machine overwhelmingly support the unjust and exploitative economic system of capitalism that consistently puts profits before people, engages in tactics of class war to maintain hegemony, and drives war and imperialism as its imperative for endless growth inevitably erupts in wars for resources and economic supremacy. 

The event prominently featured a lineup of speakers known for racism, antisemitism, transphobia, homophobia, pro-war views, sexual misconduct, and vaccine skepticism. At least two featured speakers were employees of Russian state media who have been disseminating the Russian government’s line on the war in Ukraine.

The event was attended and enthusiastically received by a variety of neofascists, cultists, war supporters (many flying Russian flags), and members of white supremacist groups.  These elements did not “just show up” as unwelcome guests - starting from the featured speakers and sponsoring organizations, the lead organizers deliberately fostered an atmosphere that not only tolerated, but encouraged right-wing extremists and pro-war forces to attend. More detailed information about the repellent views of many featured speakers and sponsoring organizations is included below.

Also of note is the fact that the event’s self-appointed lead organizers Angela McArdle of the Libertarian Party’s Mises Caucus and Nick Brana of the “People’s Party” registered Rage Against the War Machine as a 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation, and raised over $100,000 over the course of planning and promoting the event.  What this money is being (or will be) used for largely remains a mystery.

Other anti-war organizations and activists have expressed concern about the Rage Against the War Machine Rally, making similar points. These include the World Socialist Web Site, LA Progressive, Jacqueline Luqman of Black Agenda Report and Black Power Media, and Ajamu Baraka. Baraka, a National Organizer for the Black Alliance for Peace and 2016 Green Party Vice Presidential candidate, tweeted: “The white left in the U.S. is deeply delusional. Elements of the left actually believe a radical movement leading to revolutionary change will be led by white activists with Black & colonized people as backdrops. #AntiWarSoWhite”  

We stand in solidarity with these voices, as well as others whose concerns about this event and its speakers, participants, and larger intentions were marginalized and dismissed.

The rally’s poor attendance and reception, despite raising over $100,000 and being amplified by far-reaching right-wing media outlets like Fox News and Alex Jones’ Infowars, demonstrates clearly that the anti-war movement will only discredit and destroy itself if it attempts to join forces with known grifters, cultists, right-wing extremists, white nationalists, sexual predators, and pro-war trolls.

The Wisconsin Green Party remains committed to a peaceful world without war; this includes social and economic justice.  Anyone claiming to represent the Wisconsin Green Party in reference to supporting or partnering with any of the events of February 19, 2023, whether national or local, is operating in direct contradiction of the democratic majority decision of WIGP leadership.


Dave Schwab, WIGP Co-chair and National Committee delegate
Sam Chance, WIGP Co-chair and National Committee alternate
Mike McCallister, WIGP Coordinating Council CD-4 representative and National Committee delegate
Melissa Minkoff, WIGP Coordinating Council CD-2 representative and National Committee alternate


More information regarding Rage Against the War Machine organizers and invited participants:

  • Nick Brana has been the self-appointed leader of the “People’s Party” since 2017, during which time the “party” has continually raised money but has not run any campaigns, petitioned for ballot access in any states, or even held a convention where members could draft a platform or bylaws. Numerous ex-members have described a top-down, undemocratic organization where members who dissent from Brana’s decrees or who ask for greater democracy, transparency, or accountability have been repeatedly purged. The lack of transparency extends to the organization’s finances, which Brana has hidden from scrutiny by appointing his own father as treasurer. Brana carried out his latest purge of members when he was under investigation within the party for allegations of serious misconduct including sexual abuse of a staff member.
  • Scott Ritter, who was invited as a featured speaker, recently wrote on Twitter: “I don’t claim to be anti-war; never did. There are rabid dogs out there, and we need Atticus Finch’s to shoot them. I do, however, object to the senseless shooting of healthy dogs. Ukraine is a rabid dog. Russia is Atticus Finch. Thus ends my lesson.” While the Libertarian Party then asked Ritter to drop out of the rally due to his pro-war advocacy and past conviction for sex crimes involving a minor, he nevertheless released a Rage Against the War Machine rally speech online and was a featured guest at the after-party hosted by the Center for Political Innovation, a sponsor of the rally.
  • Featured speaker Jackson Hinkle, who is also connected to the Center for Political Innovation, has vehemently supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, has sold t-shirts with the “Z” symbol used by the Russian invading forces, advocates for Putin to fully take over Ukraine, and regularly makes fascistic statements like “God will liberate Ukraine from the Satanists.”
  • The Center for Political Innovation, a rally sponsor that advocates for a national-socialism-like ideology of “MAGA Communism”, invited Matt Heimbach and Shandon Simpson, neo-nazi organizers of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville where fascists murdered a counter-protester, to the rally and the CPI afterparty, where they had a recruitment booth for their rebranded organization “Patriotic Socialist Front”. Heimbach and his associates flew Russian imperial flags at the rally.
  • Featured speaker Diane Sare was a US Senate candidate in the LaRouche Party, connected to the LaRouche movement, a political cult based on adherence to the ideology of Lyndon LaRouche. As LA Progressive summarized, “In decades past, the virulent anti-Semite, racist, homophobic, neo-fascist and degenerate conspiracy theorist, LaRouche and his thugs collaborated with various local police agencies to spy on and disrupt left organizations. Armed with clubs and nunchucks (wooden bars connected by chains) and other weapons, likely with police and FBI collaboration, they repeatedly organized, via their well publicized “Operation Mop-Up,” violent physical attacks on left organizations, focusing on public forums of the US Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party. Their stated objective was to physically obliterate these organizations.”
  • LaRouche’s wife also spoke at the rally as an unannounced featured speaker. The LaRouche cult had a heavy presence at the rally, with multiple featured speakers, numerous banners and signs, and members distributing literature and recruiting from the crowd.
  • Jordan Page, another featured speaker and musical guest, wrote the anthem for the Oath Keepers, a “far-right anti-government militia whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States, including the transfer of Presidential power as prescribed by the US Constitution… As of January 2023, nine members have been convicted of seditious conspiracy for their roles in the January 6 United States Capitol attack.”
  • Featured speakers Garland Nixon and Wyatt Reed are both employees of Sputnik International, a Russian state media outlet that disseminates the Russian government’s line on the war.
  • Featured speaker Tulsi Gabbard, a former member of Congress turned Fox News pundit, was heavily promoted by Rage Against the War Machine despite Gabbard’s record of support for war, increased military spending, drones, torture, and the brutal military occupation of Palestine. 
  • Featured speaker Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul institute tweeted "I'm with Russia 100%" in support of Russia's oppressive anti-LGBTQ laws and referred to the LGBTQ community as "perverts" who "sexually attack our children".

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