CANCELLED - Jill visits to thank Wisconsin Volunteers

Sorry folks, but due to the snowstorm, all flights out of Detroit were cancelled and she won't be able to make it here.  Jill sends her heartfelt thanks to all of those who made the Wisconsin Recount a success!


Hey Volunteer Observers and others who worked on the recount!

Join Jill Stein at The Suburban Bourbon in Muskego on Sunday, December 11th at 1pm as Jill will visit us to give a big THANK YOU to those who worked to make the Wisconsin recount a success.  This recount could not have been done without you and Jill wanted to show her appreciation by flying in and thanking you personally and discuss where we go from here.

Stop by and chat with Jill, enjoy some smacks, and have some great conversation.  Please RSVP if you are planning on attending.

Jill Faterioun Craig Wentzel Damian Christianson Emily Beasley Melodie Betts Amanda Peña

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