Dear Wisconsin Green friends,
Wisconsin is a special place - home to a proud progressive tradition that earned it the nickname "the laboratory of democracy".
And we saw that that progressive tradition is alive and well, after hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites took to the streets to defend your state from a ruthless corporate-backed assault on your workers' rights, environment and schools.
What does Wisconsin need now? A fearless progressive movement to continue the fight and reclaim the promise of democracy - from the grassroots up. Wisconsin needs the Green Party as the vehicle for this fight.
And the Green Party needs Wisconsin. Your struggles are the struggles of the nation. The spirit of "Fighting Bob" La Follette lives on in your work. Your courage is a model for the nation.
That's why I'm excited to join you for the Wisconsin Green Party Summer Gathering in Oshkosh on Saturday, June 29th.
I want to hear your vision for how the Green Party can bring real, lasting change to our communities.
And I want to share why I believe the Green Party can transform the converging crises we face into the peaceful, just, green future we deserve.
Join me and your fellow Greens for the Wisconsin Green Party Summer Gathering on June 29th in Oshkosh. Click here for more details and to RSVP.
I hope to see you there!
Dr. Jill Stein
P.S. Even if you can't attend the WI Green Party Summer Gathering, we would still love to keep you posted with occasional updates on our work. Please confirm your subscription to WIGP email updates now to ensure that we can stay in touch. Thank you!
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