2012 Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is coming to Madison! Dr. Stein will be in Madison on Monday, June 30th to meet with Wisconsinites and share her thoughts about building a progressive political movement independent of the corporate-sponsored Republican and Democratic parties.
A 2013 Gallup poll found that 60% of Americans agree that "the Republican and Democratic parties do such a poor job representing the American people that a third major party is needed". The time has never been better to learn about the Green Party - a national grassroots movement for peace, social justice, democracy, ecology, and getting the big money out of politics.
Jill Stein brings fearless honesty, an impressive command of the issues, campaign stories from across America, and a gift for inspiring people to stand up and take their power back.
Dr. Stein will be joined by Ron Hardy, Green candidate for Wisconsin State Treasurer, to discuss his proposal for a publicly-owned state Bank of Wisconsin and ideas for building the Green movement across our state.
- June 30, 2014 at 7:00pm – 9pm
Brocach Irish Pub and Restaurant
7 W Main St
Madison, WI 53703
United States
Google map and directions - 10 people are going
Dave Schwab

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Here’s an excerpt from our platform on energy:
“15. Community owned utilities and decentralized, neighborhood networks will receive financial aid for the purchase and installation of renewable energy technology such as wind, solar and biomass. The Public Service Commission will require that the electric grid be reconfigured to accept power from widely distributed, diverse sources.”
How about an electric car rebate, doubled if the energy for charging is from the owners solar array? Two RE venues boosted with one rebate.