Green Campaign School

The Wisconsin Green Party invites you to a one-day virtual Green Campaign School on Saturday December 19th for anyone who is interested in running for office as a Green, working on a Green campaign, or learning more about grassroots campaigning.

We highly encourage people who are planning to run for office (or considering a campaign) to attend together with their prospective campaign managers and other key team members. The campaign school is also open to anyone who wants to support Green campaigns and would like to gain the skills and knowledge needed to be part of a campaign team.

The campaign school will consist of a welcome and introductions starting at 11:30am Central time, and workshops from 12-5pm Central time. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the workshops will be held online via videoconference. Attendees are welcome to join anytime to observe.

To register and receive call-in info, RSVP on this webpage.

Here is the agenda for the Campaign School:

11:30-12:00 Welcome and introductions from visitors


  • Thinking of running for office?
  • Candidate and campaign manager roles
  • Platform and message



  • Organizing Your Campaign & Goal Setting
  • Resources: Money & Volunteers



  • Get out the message, get out the vote
  • Social media



  • “How to run a winning campaign” panel discussion and Q&A with Madison Alder Rebecca Kemble, Madison Alder Marsha Rummel, and Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner



  • Technology in campaigns
  • Campaigning in a pandemic
  • Petitioning
  • Q&A


This campaign school will be free and open to the public. Greens from outside Wisconsin are welcome as well.

The Campaign School will be livestreamed on Youtube - go here to watch.

Although participation does not necessarily imply Green Party support, information will be provided to participants about the process for seeking Green endorsement.

Attendees should register as soon as possible so that organizers have ample time to make arrangements and send important information.

To register and receive call-in info, RSVP on this webpage.

No previous experience is required. Check back soon for more details. Hope to see you there!

Go here to RSVP to the Campaign School on Facebook and invite friends!

  • December 19, 2020 at 12:00pm – 5pm
  • online
  • 29 people are going
  • Dave Schwab
Harvey Simon Heidi Wegleitner Frank Lawrence Brian Benford Yannette Cole Joshua Skolnick Justin Paglino Emerson Ziehr Howard Ross Mike McCallister Tom Rodman John Miglietta Nathan Hetrick Erik Schyvinck Christopher Walker David Schwab Amity Johnston

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