The Wisconsin Green Party invites you to a one-day Green Campaign School on Saturday November 9th in Madison for anyone who is interested in running for office as a Green, working on a Green campaign, or learning more about grassroots campaigning.
We highly encourage people who are planning to run for office (or considering a campaign) to attend together with their prospective campaign managers and other key team members. The campaign school is also open to anyone who wants to support Green campaigns and would like to gain the skills and knowledge needed to be part of a campaign team.
The campaign school will consist of workshops from 12-5, followed by a dinner and time for further conversation from 5-8.
Topics to be covered include:
- Campaign planning and strategy
- Building a team
- Media and messaging
- Social media and technology
- Fundraising and budgeting
- The ground game - getting the message out
and more.
This campaign school will be free and open to the public. Greens from outside Wisconsin are welcome as well.
Although participation does not necessarily imply Green Party support, information will be provided to participants about the process for seeking Green endorsement.
We invite you to stay from 5-8pm, when we'll serve dinner on-site and have some time to keep the conversation going.
Attendees should register as soon as possible so that organizers have ample time to make arrangements and send important information. Refreshments, coffee and tea, and dinner will be provided on-site (with a $5-10 donation requested to cover food costs).
No previous experience is required. Check back soon for more details. Hope to see you there!
- November 09, 2019 at 12:00pm – 5pm
Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center
953 Jenifer St
Madison, WI 53703
United States
Google map and directions - 23 people are going
Dave Schwab

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