The Four Lakes Green Party has endorsed seven candidates for local office in Madison and Fitchburg.
Help us elect more Greens to local government by volunteering, making a financial contribution, and voting April 7th!
Samba Baldeh (Madison Alder District 17)
Samba Baldeh is a software engineer and community activist in Northeast Madison. He is running on a platform that includes expanding community policing and addressing the shortage of affordable housing. See Samba's website here.
Rebecca Kemble (Madison Alder District 18)
Rebecca Kemble is a worker-owner at Union Cab and President of the United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives who lives on Madison's North side. Her platform includes neighborhood-oriented development, access to affordable healthy food, keeping neighborhood schools open, preserving green spaces, and more. See Rebecca's website here.
Ledell Zellers (Madison Alder District 2) (unopposed)
Ledell Zellers is seeking a second term on Madison’s City Council. In her first term, she has been a leader on issues such as sustainable development and historic preservation, protecting water quality, expanding public transit, and working to end homelessness. See Ledell’s website here.
Marsha Rummel (Madison Alder District 6) (unopposed)
Marsha Rummel has served on Madison’s City Council since 2007. She has been a progressive champion on many issues, and has been instrumental in ensuring that development of Madison’s East Side has been sustainable, affordable, and vibrant with lots of green space. See Marsha’s website here.
Steve Arnold (Fitchburg Mayor)
Steve Arnold has served Fitchburg as an Alder for 10 years, and is now challenging an incumbent mayor who works as a lobbyist for corporations like Wal-Mart. His platform includes more transparency in local government, sustainable development with walkable neighborhoods, and expanding public transit and bike lanes. See Steve’s website here.
Michael Childers (Fitchburg Alder District 1, Seat 2)
Michael Childers is a professor at the University of Wisconsin School for Workers. He is running on a platform that includes expanding public transit, protecting environmentally sensitive areas from development, and working to reduce racial disparities through policies like “Ban the Box”. See Michael’s website here.
Jake Johnson (Fitchburg Alder District 4, Seat 7) (unopposed)
Jake Johnson is a small business owner and member of the Fitchburg Parks Commission. His positions include support for sustainable development without corporate welfare, expanded public transit, and more bike trails. See Jake's website here.
Referendum on school facilities
In accordance with our commitment to fully-funded public education, the Four Lakes Greens recommend a Yes vote on the Referendum on school facilities.
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