Four Lakes Greens Candidate Forum: Madison City Council

Join the Four Lakes Green Party for a forum with Green-endorsed candidates in the April 6th Madison Common Council election! Hear about the most important issues facing Madison and where the candidates stand.

Have a question for the candidates? Submit your question to [email protected] and it could be chosen for the Q&A period.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the candidates in this important election and where they stand on critical issues facing our community. Please join us and invite your friends, family and neighbors!

The forum will be hosted online via Zoom - click here for the Zoom link.

RSVP to the forum on Facebook and invite friends!

  • March 26, 2021 at 6:30pm – 8pm
  • online
  • 3 people are going
  • Andrea Bilger
Brian Benford David Schwab

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