The Wisconsin Green Party will hold our 2023 Fall Gathering state membership meeting on Saturday, November 18, 2023.
The theme of this gathering will be “Genocide and Ecocide: Time to Act” and will feature two focused discussions. The first will be on the urgent challenge of climate change and ecological collapse, addressing the critical need for transformative environmental actions. The second discussion will center on the situation in Gaza, highlighting the human and environmental impacts of the conflict.
In addition to our discussion on housing and updates from WIGP officers, committees, and local chapters, we will discuss proposed changes to WIGP bylaws. A summary of these proposed changes is that in situations where the party membership votes on decisions, voting would be conducted online and would be open to all dues-paying members in good standing, as opposed to just those members present at a particular meeting; that member of the WIGP coordinating council cannot benefit financially from their service in the party; and that local chapters may elect representatives to the WIGP Coordinating Council between annual internal party elections. The full text of these proposals will be provided in the newsletter.
See the WIGP Fall 2023 newsletter for important updates, including information about our Fall Gathering, WIGP elections, bylaws proposals, and other critical info that members should know in the runup to the Fall Gathering membership meeting on Saturday November 18.
Click here to view a downloadable PDF file of the Wisconsin Green Party Fall 2023 Newsletter.
The Fall Gathering is the deadline to self-nominate for officer positions, and will offer space for candidates to make their case to their fellow members. After nominations are finalized, ballots will be sent to all dues-paying WIGP members in good standing. Officer positions up for election include one Co-Chair position, Operations Treasurer, Elections Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary, as well as Coordinating Council positions for each Congressional District and up to 8 At-Large seats. More information about these positions and their responsibilities is available on our Officers and Committees page.
Due to the ongoing pandemic this gathering will be held virtually via Zoom. Members will be sent information about how to join the gathering online after they RSVP on this webpage.
This gathering will serve as the WIGP's biannual state membership meeting. All dues-paying WIGP members in good standing will be eligible to participate in decision-making and voting.
You can become a dues-paying member of the WIGP or renew your membership at
Click here to see the event on Facebook and invite friends.
Come with your ideas about how to grow the Green Party and support allied movements for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!
Check this webpage for agenda updates and other news.
12:00 - Introductions
12:10 - Co-chairs' welcoming statements
12:20 - Climate Change Presentation and Discussion featuring Dr. Murray Borrello Director/Chair: Environmental Studies Program at Alma College
1:00 - Gaza Presentation and Discussion featuring Jonathan Kuttab co-founder of the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq and co-founder of Nonviolence International
1:45 - Break
1:55 - Proposed Bylaws Changes Discussion
2:30 - Officer Elections - Nominations and speeches (Candidates will be finalized at this meeting; ballots will be sent by email to all dues-paying members in good standing following the meeting)
- Co-Chair
- Operations Treasurer
- Elections Treasurer
- Recording Secretary
- Correspondence Secretary
- 2 National Committee Delegates
- 2 National Committee Alternates
- District 1-8 Coordinating Council Rep
- Up to 8 at-large CC Reps
3:05 - Adjourn
- November 18, 2023 at 12:00pm – 3pm
- online
- 57 people are going
David Schwab

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