The Wisconsin Green Party 2022 Fall Gathering state membership meeting will be held on Saturday November 19, 2022. The theme of the gathering will be "Expanding and Protecting Democracy" and will feature a special discussion on Proportional Ranked-Choice Voting.
The Fall Gathering is the deadline to self-nominate for officer positions, and will offer space for candidates to make their case to their fellow members. After nominations are finalized, ballots will be sent to all dues-paying WIGP members in good standing. Officer positions up for election include one Co-Chair position, Operations Treasurer, Elections Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary, as well as Coordinating Council positions for each Congressional District and up to 8 At-Large seats. More information about these positions and their responsibilities is available on our Officers and Committees page.
Due to the ongoing pandemic this gathering will be held virtually via Zoom. Members will be sent information about how to join the gathering online after they RSVP on this webpage.
This gathering will serve as the WIGP's biannual state membership meeting. All dues-paying WIGP members in good standing will be eligible to participate in decision-making and voting.
You can become a dues-paying member of the WIGP or renew your membership at
Come with your ideas about how to grow the Green Party and support allied movements for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!
Check this webpage for agenda updates and other news.
You can RSVP and invite friends on Facebook here.
We will be sending emails to members with updates, and making announcements on our Facebook page and Twitter account.
Youtube Recording:
Please join us for the 2022 WIGP Fall Gathering and help build the movement for people, planet, and peace over profit!
Draft Agenda:
10AM: Meeting Begins
- Welcome from WIGP Co-Chairs
- Introductions
10:15 - Business Meeting begins
- Co-chair reports
- Committee Reports - Elections, Membership, Finance, Communications, Platform and Policy, IT
- National Committee report
- Local chapter reports
- Call for volunteers and organizers
- Announcements
10:45 - Hearing and discussion of platform amendments and bylaws changes proposals
11:30AM - Officer Elections - Nominations and speeches (Candidates will be finalized at this meeting; ballots will be sent by email to all dues-paying members in good standing following the meeting)
- Co-Chair
- Operations Treasurer
- Elections Treasurer
- Recording Secretary
- Correspondence Secretary
- 2 National Committee Delegates
- 2 National Committee Alternates
- District 1-8 Coordinating Council Rep
- Up to 8 at-large CC Reps
12PM - Lunch break
1PM - Meeting resumes
Continue any unfinished business and discussion from the morning agenda
2PM - Democracy discussion: Proportional Ranked-Choice Voting
3PM - Open discussion: Protecting and expanding democracy
4PM: Official meeting ends
- November 19, 2022 at 10:00am – 4pm
- online
- 32 people are going
Dave Schwab
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