Election Observer Training - CD's 1,4, and 5

Join us for an Election Observer Training Session for Tuesday at 6:30pm at The Suburban Bourbon in Muskego. 

This will be for the 1st, 4th, and 5th congressional districts.

Other sessions will be scheduled around the State for other congressional districts.

The Suburban Bourbon will have food and drink available for purchase.

More details to follow as they become available.

Kelly Osborn Jesse Durst Connie Palmer Smalley Caressa Givens Paul Gutelius Jes Pacheco Gilman Halsted Susan O'Connor Edwin Ketola David Palmer Barbara Jakopac Judith Schuele Maureen Seiden David Kraft Bill Tarman-Ramcheck Christine Pribbenoe Kathleen Nichols Rebecca Nickels Liya Chernyakova Stephanie Meyer Pamela Kowalski Amy Murphy Sue Alseth Jeanne Otteson Lori Turner Miriam Gilmer Deborah Anderson Jennifer Jackson Bill Dawson Kai Loberg James Buckingham Mark Stevens Don Biscardi Karen Rasmussen Martha Pincus Cheryl Schutte Barbara Groth James Evans Jill Huennekens Diane C Graydon Oscar Luna Amanda Peña Jim Shepard Jack Covault Amy Daroszeski Kathleen Noel Gareth Johnson Cheryl Heck

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Showing 13 reactions

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  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 19:11:43 -0600
    Alright i got the paper work , I had to go seek it out thank you to the man who gave me all the paper THANK YOU! !!!!!!!
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 19:06:13 -0600
    How come everyone around me has gotten more info on this recount , I only got 3 sheets of paper nothing more, what’s up with this? I am A BIG SUPPORTER in this RECOUNT. I just want to be treated like everyone is being treated. I drove all the way from Madison to take part in this recount here in WI. Thank You.
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 18:51:34 -0600
    I am not getting all the paper work that i see every one else has,what’s up with this?
  • Dara Ackerman
    commented 2016-11-29 18:42:50 -0600
    Will there be a recording of the training, and a way to connect? would like to fly in and help count ballots. From Berkeley, CA.
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 18:11:34 -0600
    I got a question it’s just meeting for all districts for any District because I’m from Madison and it took me an hour and 25 minutes to get here and I’m 4.3 miles away from the site so I just want to know if this training is for all districts I want to get on top of the training so when it comes time for the District of Madison Dane County area I want to be ready to go tight on money but if it wasn’t for that I would float anywhere within the South Central Southern Wisconsin but I’m almost there a 3.9 miles away
  • Ann Meyer
    commented 2016-11-29 17:45:36 -0600
    Things have changed and I will not be able to make it tonight.
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 16:39:12 -0600
    Okay I change my mind I’m going to come I just gotta hurry up cause I’m running late
  • David Kraft
    commented 2016-11-29 16:38:19 -0600
    I really do want to come to this but I just looked it up on the map and it’s over an hour and 20 minutes away from Madison and that’s just a hefty Dr so I don’t know what to do I want to go but this is a long distance to drive somebody from the campaign call me you got my phone numbers
  • Kste Blood
    commented 2016-11-29 14:02:06 -0600
    hello –
    when/where will the training be held for Dane county?
    kate Blood
  • Terri Jamieson
    commented 2016-11-29 12:09:35 -0600
    Have to bow out of this training. Sick and don’t want to possibly make anyone else sick. Still want to help out, though.
  • Wen-D Kersten
    commented 2016-11-29 10:19:55 -0600
    I can’t make tonight’s training session. Will there be anything online or daytime sessions for The 1st district?
  • Janine Veto
    commented 2016-11-28 21:22:03 -0600
    Cancel +1. Viewing in Madison county nstead
  • Eugene Barufkin
    commented 2016-11-28 00:55:47 -0600
    Unavailable until Dec 1. But count me in.