DNC Attempts to Cancel Green Party Presidential Candidate

Wisconsin Green Party Objects to the Democrats’ Attempt to Remove Jill Stein from Ballot

Announces plan to recruit candidates in 2026 legislative and congressional elections

The Wisconsin Green Party strongly objects to the Democratic Party’s repeated attempts to remove our candidates from the Wisconsin ballot, effectively denying Wisconsin voters a choice.

The recent suit filed with the Wisconsin Supreme Court to remove Presidential Candidate Jill Stein from the ballot and the successful removal of 2020 candidate Howie Hawkins over frivolous technicalities are not just undemocratic but a blatant insult to the democratic rights of Wisconsin voters.

The Wisconsin Green Party is not passively observing the Democratic Party's attack on our candidates and the voters of the State of Wisconsin. We are actively taking several proactive steps to defend our candidates and the democratic process.

  1. We are coordinating with the Jill Stein campaign to vigorously defend any lawsuits or further undemocratic actions of the Democratic Party.
  2. Any further action will result in a public media campaign that exposes the Democratic Party as undemocratic.
  3. We are not backing down. We are aggressively recruiting candidates for the 2026 federal and state legislative election races, targeting districts in Wisconsin where our message will have the most impact.
  4. The Wisconsin Green Party is setting up a special fund to get these candidates on the ballot and will aggressively fundraise for their campaigns.
  5. In the next several days, Greens will file to run for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, First and Third District Congress, and several State Assembly and Senate seats in 2026. 


“The Democratic Party must learn that they cannot manipulate elections through attacks on the voter’s rights to choose the candidates who match their values, “ said Dr. Michael White, co-chair of the Wisconsin Green Party. “Their actions are undemocratic, and we, the party of people, planet, and peace, will not stand by and idly watch these attacks on democracy.”

The Wisconsin Green Party is running to win these seats in 2026.  We are committing substantial resources to these campaigns and are creating a coordinated campaign committee to support these candidates.  Several people have pledged generous donations to assist in this effort.

“I am sure that the Democrats perceive this as ‘spoiling’ their chances to win these upcoming elections, and they may perceive this as they wish,” said Pete Karas, elections committee chairperson.  “The Dems can avoid this perception of ‘spoiling’ an election easily by passing a ranked-choice voting law in Wisconsin.”





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