The Wisconsin Green Party Coordinating Council wishes to address recent claims and assertions suggesting an affiliation between the Wisconsin Green Liberty Caucus (also known as Wisconsin Liberty Greens and/or Green Liberty Caucus WI) and the Wisconsin Green Party (WIGP). We believe it is essential to clarify that the Wisconsin Green Liberty Caucus is not in any way affiliated with the Wisconsin Green Party.
The Wisconsin Green Party is a distinct and independent political entity with its own values, organizational structure, and bylaws. The Green Party has a long tradition of settling political disputes through a process of modified consensus, and we uphold that tradition in the Wisconsin Green Party. While we embrace a diverse range of perspectives and initiatives within the broader context of political activism, it is crucial to emphasize that the Wisconsin Green Liberty Caucus does not meet the Wisconsin Green Party's defined criteria for a caucus as outlined in WIGP bylaws.
Furthermore, we want to make it unequivocally clear that the Wisconsin Green Liberty Caucus has not sought, nor obtained, any official affiliation with the Wisconsin Green Party. Any claims, statements, or suggestions to the contrary are categorically incorrect.
The Wisconsin Green Party prides itself on open and transparent communication. We encourage those who have questions or concerns about the relationships between various groups and WIGP to reach out directly to the party leadership for accurate information. Misrepresentations can create confusion and misperceptions, which can ultimately undermine the integrity and credibility of both organizations.
In conclusion, we wish to reaffirm that the Wisconsin Green Liberty Caucus and the Wisconsin Green Party are separate entities with distinct missions and organizational structures. Any claims of an official connection between the two are without foundation and should be disregarded.
For accurate and up-to-date information about the Wisconsin Green Party, please visit our official website or contact our party representatives directly.
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