Wisconsin Green Party 2023 Internal Election Results

Results of the 2023 Wisconsin Green Party Officer, Coordinating Council, and National Committee Elections, and Bylaw amendment proposals.

Please Note: These results differ from the results you will receive from Opavote. The reason for this difference is that Opavote did not correctly account for ballots where a candidate was not ranked. Per Wisconsin Green Party bylaws Article 2, Section 7: "Elections at Membership meetings shall be conducted using Ranked Choice Voting, with members allowed to choose a “none of the above” option which is binding if it receives a majority." Candidates who were not ranked on at least 50%+1 of valid ballots are not eligible to hold the elected seat. In addition, three candidates (Dave Schwab, Mike McCallister, and Joshua Anderson) in the At-Large contest won other seats on the Coordinating Council. Per Wisconsin Green Party bylaws Article 3, Section 1: "A Member may not serve in more than one Officer position and may not have more than one vote on the Coordinating Council". Candidates who were awarded other seats on the Coordinating Council are not eligible to be elected to an additional seat on the Coordinating Council. Opavote did not eliminate these candidates from the races, so both an automated recount with eliminated candidates withdrawn as well as a manual tabulation of the election was performed. Below you will find the results of the election tabulation.
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
AJ Reed 44 14 40 4 58 75.86% 24.14%
Rita Maniotis 19 39 16 3 58 32.76% 67.24%

Rita Maniotis was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

AJ Reed is elected Wisconsin Green Party Co-Chair.

Note: AJ Reed was ranked first on a majority of ballots, and won the Co-Chair election outright.

Recording Secretary
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Mike McCallister 45 13 40 5 58 77.59% 22.41%
Bruce Hinkforth 17 41 17 0 58 29.31% 70.69%

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Mike McCallister is elected Wisconsin Green Party Recording Secretary.

Note: Note: Mike McCallister was ranked first on a majority of ballots, and won the Recording Secretary election outright.

Corresponding Secretary
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Dave Schwab 42 16 39 3 58 72.41% 27.59%
James Benkard 19 39 17 2 58 32.76% 67.24%

James Benkard was not ranked on a majority of in-district ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Dave Schwab is elected Wisconsin Green Party Corresponding Secretary.

Note: Dave Schwab was ranked first on a majority of ballots, and won the Corresponding Secretary election outright.

Operations Treasurer
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Melissa Minkoff 46 12 58 79.31% 20.69%

Melissa Minkoff is elected Operations Treasurer

Elections Treasurer

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Rita Maniotis 24 34 58 41.38% 58.62%

Rita Maniotis was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race.

No candidate is elected Elections Treasurer. The seat remains vacant.

Coordinating Council CD1 Representative

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Curt Bolton 3 0 3 0 3 100% 0%
Chester Todd 1 2 0 1 3 33.33% 66.67%

Chester Todd was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race.

Curt Bolton is elected Coordinating Council CD1 Representative

Note: Curt Bolton was ranked first on a majority of ballots, and won the Coordinating Council CD1 Representative election outright.

Coordinating Council CD2 Representative
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Melissa Minkoff 16 3 19 84.21% 15.79%

Melissa Minkoff was elected Operations Treasurer and is eliminated from the race. 

No candidate is elected Coordinating Council CD2 Representative. The seat remains vacant.

Coordinating Council CD3 Representative
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Michael White 5 0 5 100% 0%

Michael White is elected Coordinating Council CD3 Representative

Coordinating Council CD4 Representative

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Mike McCallister 5 4 5 0 9 55.56% 44.44%
Josh Anderson 6 3 4 2 9 66.67% 33.33%

Mike McCallister was elected Recording Secretary and is eliminated from the race. 

Josh Anderson is elected Coordinating Council CD4 Representative

Coordinating Council CD5 Representative
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Bruce Hinkforth 1 2 3 33.33% 66.67%

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race.

No candidate is elected Coordinating Council CD5 Representative. The seat remains vacant.

Coordinating Council CD6 Representative

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Jeff Reese 3 0 3 100% 0%

Jeff Reese is elected Coordinating Council CD6 Representative

Coordinating Council CD7 Representative
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 4 0 4 100% 0%

Jo' Nathan Kingfisher is elected Coordinating Council CD7 Representative

Greater Milwaukee Green Party Representative

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked # of Ballots Received  Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Sam Michael 5 1 6 83.33% 16.67%

Sam Michael is elected Coordinating Council Greater Milwaukee Green Party Representative

Coordinating Council At-Large Representatives (Up to 8)
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings Total Third Rankings Total Fourth Rankings Total Fifth Rankings Total Sixth Rankings Total Seventh Rankings Total Eighth Rankings Total Ninth Rankings # of Ballots Received   Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Bruce Hinkforth 21 37 6 6 2 2 1 0 1 3 0 58 36.21% 63.79%
Josh Anderson 34 24 3 3 5 6 3 6 8 0 0 58 58.62% 41.38%
Tiffany Anderson 34 24 4 5 8 6 3 6 2 0 0 58 58.62% 41.38%
Emerson Ziehr 41 17 5 6 11 9 6 1 2 1 0 58 70.69% 29.31%
Dave Schwab 38 20 16 7 3 4 4 0 2 0 2 58 65.52% 34.48%
Michelle Ellnger Linley 41 17 6 12 7 6 5 3 1 1 0 58 70.69% 29.31%
Mike McCallister 39 19 6 7 3 9 10 1 1 1 1 58 67.24% 32.76%
Rita Maniotis 20 38 5 3 4 3 0 2 0 2 1 58 34.48% 65.52%
Chester Todd 43 15 6 6 10 3 10 4 3 0 1 58 74.14% 25.86%

Dave Schwab was elected Corresponding Secretary and is eliminated from the race. 

Mike McCallister was elected Recording Secretary and is eliminated from the race.

Joshua Anderson was elected CD4 Representative and is eliminated from the race. 

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Rita Maniotis was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. 

Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings Total Third Rankings Total Fourth Rankings # of Ballots Received   Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Tiffany Anderson 34 24 16 6 3 9 58 58.62% 41.38%
Emerson Ziehr 41 17 9 14 17 1 58 70.69% 29.31%
Michelle Ellnger Linley 41 17 15 15 8 3 58 70.69% 29.31%
Chester Todd 43 15 13 14 9 7 58 74.14% 25.86%

The race was re-tabulated with eliminated candidates withdrawn. The re-tabulation can be found here.

The quota to be awarded a seat is 11 votes. 

In the first round, which is based on first rankings, Tiffany Anderson, Michelle Ellinger Linley, and Chester Todd met or exceeded the quota of 11. Emerson Ziehr did not meet the quota in the first round.

Because there are four seats to be filled, this triggered the first round of vote transfers. Since Tiffany Anderson was the candidate who exceeded the quota by the largest margins her five surplus votes were transferred in Round 2. Because Emerson Ziehr is the only candidate who did not meet the quota in the first round, they are the only candidate eligible to receive vote transfers. Emerson Ziehr was ranked on 6 ballots where Tiffany Anderson was ranked first. Emerson Ziehr received 1.875 vote transfers from Tiffany Anderson bringing the vote total up to 10.875. Because Emerson Ziehr did not meet the quota in Round 2, this triggered the second round of vote transfers.

Michelle Ellinger Linley's 4 surplus votes were transferred in round 3. Emerson Ziehr was ranked on 13 ballots where Michelle Ellinger Linley was ranked first. Emerson received 3.466 vote transfers from Michelle Ellinger Linley bringing the vote total up to 14.341 surpassing the winning threshold is awarded a seat.

Note: Opavote did not generate an image of the vote transfers.

National Committee Delegate and Alternates
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings Total Third Rankings Total Fourth Rankings Total Fifth Rankings Total Sixth Rankings # of Ballots Received   Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Samuel Chance 39 19 21 10 2 2 2 2 58 67.24% 32.76%
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 48 10 10 7 13 14 3 1 58 82.76% 17.24%
Mike McCallister 39 19 7 7 15 7 3 0 58 67.24% 32.76%
Bruce Hinkforth 19 39 8 5 2 2 1 1 58 32.76% 67.24%
Michael White 44 14 9 8 3 10 13 1 58 75.86% 24.14%
Melissa Minkoff 41 17 2 18 9 3 8 1 58 70.69% 29.31%

Bruce Hinkforth was not ranked on a majority of ballots and is eliminated from the race. All other candidates were ranked on a majority of ballots and were eligible for election.
Candidate # of Ballots Ranked # of Ballots NOT ranked Total First Rankings Total Second Rankings Total Third Rankings Total Fourth Rankings Total Fifth Rankings # of Ballots Received   Percentage Ranked Percentage NOT ranked
Samuel Chance 39 19 21 10 2 4 2 58 67.24% 32.76%
Jo' Nathan Kingfisher 48 10 11 8 12 14 3 58 82.76% 17.24%
Mike McCallister 39 19 7 7 17 6 2 58 67.24% 32.76%
Michael White 44 14 15 3 3 9 14 58 75.86% 24.14%
Melissa Minkoff 41 17 3 18 8 4 8 58 70.69% 29.31%

The race was re-tabulated with eliminated candidates withdrawn. The re-tabulation can be found here.

The quota to be awarded a seat is 12. 

In the first round, which is based on first rankings, Samuel Chance and Michael White met or exceeded the quota of 12 and were awarded two of the four available seats. No other candidate met the quota in the first round.

Because there are two additional seats to be filled, this triggered the first round of vote transfers. Since Samuel Chance was the candidate who exceeded the quota by the largest margins his nine surplus votes were transferred in Round 2. Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher, Mike McCallister, and Melissa Minkoff are eligible for vote transfers. Michael White is not eligible for vote transfers since he already met the quota and was awarded a seat. The votes are transferred at a rate of 9/21, or 3/7 (0.42857). The votes are allocated proportionally according the next highest ranked eligible candidate on ballots where Samuel Chance was ranked first. The second-ranking for these ballots are Melissa Minkoff 12, Mike McCallister 6, and Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher 3, resulting in transfers of 36/7 (5.14284) for Melissa Minkoff, 18/7 (2.57142) for Mike McCallister, and 9/7 (1.28571) for Jo’ Nathan. This brought their respective totals to Melissa Minkoff 8.14284, Mike McCallister  9.57142, Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher 12.28571. Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher met the threshold in Round 2 and was awarded a seat.
Michael White's 4 surplus votes were transferred in round 3. These were transferred to the next ranked eligible candidate. These transfers occurred at a rate of 3/15 or 1/5. Mike McCallister was ranked preferentially on 3 ballots, Melissa Minkoff was ranked preferentially on 2 ballots. The remaining 10 ballots of the remaining 15 ballots where Michael White was ranked first no additional eligible candidates and were exhausted. This resulted in vote transfers of 3/5 (0.6) votes to Mike McCallister, 2/5 (0.4) votes to Melissa Minkoff, and 10/5 (2.0) votes exhausted. This brought respective totals to 10.17142 for Mike McCallister, and 8.54284 for Melissa Minkoff.
Jo’ Nathan’s 0.28571 surplus votes transferred in Round 4. These were transferred to the next ranked eligible candidate. These transfers occurred at a rate of 0.28571/12.28571 (0.2325). 11 ballots ranked Jo’ Nathan Kingfisher in first ranking, on these ballots Melissa Minkoff was ranked preferentially on 6, and Mike McCallister was ranked preferentially on 2. In addition, Jo’ Nathan received 1.28571 vote transfers from Samuel Chance as a result of being ranked preferentially on 3 ballots at a rate of 0.42857 per ballot; Of those ballots, Mike McCallister was ranked preferentially on 2, and Melissa Minkoff on 1. This results in Mike McCallister receiving a vote transfer of 0.06644, and Melissa Minkoff receiving a vote transfer of 0.14949, bringing their respective totals to 10.23784 votes for Mike McCallister, and 8.69230 for Melissa Minkoff. Neither Mike McCallister nor Melissa Minkoff has met the quota, and no surplus votes remain to be transferred.
Since no surplus votes remain to be transferred, the candidate with the lowest number of votes was eliminated and their votes were transferred to remaining eligible candidates, or exhausted. Since Melissa Minkoff had the fewest votes at the start of round 5, she was eliminated. Her votes were transferred to Mike McCallister or exhausted in proportion to the number of ballots from which Melissa Minkoff received votes and Mike McCallister was ranked preferentially down ballot. This resulted in 7.99398 votes transferred to Mike McCallister, and 0.69832 votes exhausted. Mike McCallister meets the quota and is awarded a seat.
Samuel Chance and Michael White are the two top-ranked candidates. They both may designate whether they wish to serve as National Committee Delegate or Alternate. If either or both decide to serve as alternates, Jo' Nathan Kingfisher will have the first selection, followed by Mike McCallister.

Bylaws Proposal 1: Online Full Membership Decision Making Bylaws Proposals

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
41 15 2 58 56 73.21% 3.45% Yes

Proposal 1 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Bylaws.

Bylaws Proposal 2: Officer/Coordinating Council Vacancies

Yes Votes No Votes Abstentions # Ballots Received # of Yes/No votes % Yes Votes (calculated based on # of Yes/No votes) % Abstain Pass?
49 6 3 58 55 89.09% 5.17% Yes

Proposal 2 passes and is adopted into the Wisconsin Green Party Bylaws.

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