Join us for the Wisconsin Green Party’s Fall 2013 membership meeting in Milwaukee on Saturday, November 9th.
We’ll discuss plans for 2014 Spring and Fall elections, revitalizing local Green Party chapters in Milwaukee and across the state, updating our statewide platform, and more.
New folks are very welcome - come and get involved with the party of Wisconsin’s future!
Schedule for Saturday, November 9th:
10am-3pm: We will begin with the WIGP state membership meeting, including voting on party business. All members in good standing will be able to vote.
3pm-5pm: Frank Koehn of Save the Water's Edge and Carl Sack of Madison Action for Mining Alternatives will give a "Mining in Wisconsin" presentation, followed by an open discussion about how the Green Party can make an impact in Milwaukee and statewide. Everyone is welcome to join us for this part of the meeting.
After the meeting, there will be a get-together at the home of longtime Green Julie Enslow for conversation, food, drink, and music by Troubadour David HB Drake.
- November 09, 2013 at 10:00am – 4pm
Peace Action Center
1001 E Keefe Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53212
United States
Google map and directions - 17 people are going
Dave Schwab

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