We're thrilled to announce that Winona LaDuke, Anishinaabe author, activist, water protector and 2-time Green Party VP candidate, will be joining us at the Wisconsin Green Party 2021 Spring Gathering state membership meeting this Saturday April 17, 2021!
Winona LaDuke will join an awesome lineup that includes Wisconsin Greens and allies as well as Howie Hawkins, lifelong activist, union worker, Green Party US co-founder, and 2020 Green Presidential nominee.
The theme of the gathering will be "A Party for Working People" and we're also looking forward to hearing from Madison Common Council candidates Brian Benford and Tessa Echeverria, Warren Emstom, Co-Chair of the Milwaukee DSA chapter and lead organizer of the successful union organizing campaign at the Milwaukee Art Museum, leading Green New Deal advocate Mike McCallister, and more.
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