Diversity Caucus
Draft Mission Statement: The Wisconsin Green Party Diversity Caucus works toward a Green Party that reflects the diversity of the state, raises issues of diversity to the WIGP Committee and the Green Party at large, and develops strategies to address and redress issues of diversity, in order to create a political community where all are welcomed, respected and encouraged to participate at all levels.
Caucus Chair: Open
Contact: [email protected]
LGBT Caucus
Draft Mission Statement: To promote issues of interest to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Greens. To facilitate communication and coordination amongst LGBTQIA+ individuals and caucuses (or equivalent) within local Green Party chapters around the state. To educate on, advocate for, and represent LGBTQIA+interests and issues within the Wisconsin Green Party.
Caucus Chair: Open
Contact: [email protected]
Women's Caucus
Draft Mission Statement: The Wisconsin Green Party Women's Caucus will organize and act to advance Women's rights and concerns within the Party and in the state at large with the ultimate goals of maximizing the Women's vote for the Green Party, participation of Women at all levels of the Party and a voter, activist, leadership, candidate and officeholder base of Women that is reflective of the great diversity of this state.
Facebook Group:
Women's Caucus Chair: Open
Contact: [email protected]
Youth Caucus
Draft Mission Statement: The Wisconsin Green Party Youth Caucus works to engage youth in Green issues and gives its members a voice within the WIGP. Membership is open to Wisconsin youth age 14-35 who identify as Green, support the Green Party's Ten Key Values, and generally agree with the platform of the GPUS and the mission of the Youth Caucus. Individuals meeting these criteria can join the Young Greens by submitting a signup form. To become a member of the caucus with voting privileges, please contribute your annual dues. All are encouraged to sign-up for the email list and participate in caucus activities either way.
Caucus Chair: Open
Contact: [email protected]