Jill Stein to visit Wisconsin Thursday, October 27
Save the date!
The Wisconsin Green Party is thrilled to announce that Jill Stein will be in Wisconsin for two events on Thursday, October 27th. Plans are being made for a daytime visit to Madison and for an evening rally in Milwaukee.
The Wisconsin Green party is working with the Jill2016 campaign to secure venues and iron out the details. Please stay tuned for more information as plans develop.
Statewide Stein/Baraka Summit September 18th in Muskego
The Wisconsin Green Party invites you to join others from around Wisconsin in Muskego on Sunday, September 18th for an important Statewide Volunteer Summit to support the Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka campaign.
The election is two short months away and we need to get all of Wisconsin organized so we can effectively reach voters.
This summit will be a planning session and an action session. Bring your ideas and energy. Meet other Stein/Baraka supporters from around the State and those in your own backyard. The Wisconsin Green Party will help coordinate forming local groups and together we can come up with local and Statewide strategies and action plans that will maximize our vote and win Wisconsin for the Green Party.