WI Green Party Spring Gathering 2024

Join the Wisconsin Green Party for our Spring Gathering state membership meeting on Saturday April 13th at noon. At this gathering we’ll be hearing from candidates for office who are seeking the WI Greens’ nomination, including presidential candidates. Ballots to vote on candidate endorsements will then be sent to all WIGP members in good standing after the gathering.

This gathering will be held virtually via Zoom. Members will be sent information about how to join the gathering online after RSVPing on this webpage.

As a WIGP membership meeting, all dues-paying WIGP members in good standing will be eligible to participate. You can become a dues-paying member of the WIGP or renew your membership at https://www.wisconsingreenparty.org/contribute

Come connect with fellow Greens and help build the party for peace, justice, democracy, and ecology!

Check this event page for agenda updates and other news.

We will be sending emails to members with updates, and making announcements on our Facebook page and X/Twitter account.

Please join us for the 2024 WIGP Spring Gathering and help build the movement for people, planet, and peace over profit!

After you RSVP, help spread the word by inviting friends on Facebook and X/Twitter!


12:00pm - Start

I. Welcome – 5 mins

II. Officer Reports – 10 mins
A. Co-Chair
B. Corresponding Secretary
C. Treasurer

III. Committee Reports – 15 mins
A. Membership Outreach
B. Elections
C. Finance
D. Communications
E. Platform and Policy

IV. WIGP Officers Vacancies – 30 mins
A. Co-Chair – Emerson Ziehr
B. Treasurer – Bobby Gifford
C. Elections Treasurer

V. Break – 5 mins

VI. Candidate Endorsement – 90 mins
A. US Senate
B. US House of Representative
C. Presidential Candidates

VI. Open Discussion

3:00pm - Adjourn

Note: Presidential candidates recognized by Green Party US have been invited to speak beginning at 1pm. As of Friday 4/12, Jill Stein and Jasmine Sherman have agreed to attend.

Bob Gifford Rita Jacobs Bruce Hinkforth Rita Maniotis James Benkard Curt Bolton George Prudent Vernon Cook Scott Maslowski Randy Toler Tylon Jobes Bill Breihan Jeff Reese Pete Karas David Schwab

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