WI Green Party Spring Gathering 2019 State Membership Meeting

The Wisconsin Green Party will hold our 2019 Spring Gathering statewide membership meeting in Madison on Sunday, April 14th. We encourage all Greens to attend and make your voice heard in important discussions and decisions for our party.


8:00   Coordinating Council Meeting
9:30   Registration
10:00 Welcome & State and Chapter reports
10:30 Discuss Finance Committee's Recommendation
11:00 Rally at Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee
          - George Martin
11:30 Rights of Nature Primer
          - Dace Zeps
12:00 NationBuilder Training: How can we use our data?
1:00   Lunch
2:00 Elected Official Panel
        - Madison Mayor Elect Satya Rhodes-Conway
        - Madison Alder Marsha Rummel
        - Madison Alders Elect Patrick Heck and Grant Foster
        - Madison School Board Rep. Elect Ananda Mirilli
        - Madison Candidates Diane Farsetta and Matt Mitnik
3:30 #CloseMSDF
        - Sharyl McFarland
4:00 Breakout Discussions Committees and Caucuses
5:00 Adjourn official meeting

Everyone is welcome to attend. To participate in decision-making, you should be a dues-paying member in good standing of the WI Green Party - check www.wigp.org/join for more information.

  • April 14, 2019 at 10:00am – 5pm
  • WilMar Center
    953 Jenifer St
    Youth Room
    Madison, WI 53703
    United States
    Google map and directions
  • 8 people are going
  • Dace Zeps
David Soumis Nathan Pelkey Tom Rodman Barbara Dahlgren Bill Breihan Jeff Reese

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