The Wisconsin Green Party is seeking members to actively participate in the work of the party by joining our committees and teams.
If you would like to get involved, please use the form (bottom of page) to indicate the committee(s) or team(s) you would like to join and submit a statement of interest describing: your involvement in the Green Party, other relevant political or activist experience, your motivation for getting involved, your availability, and any other information you consider relevant.
Dispute Resolution
Provides mediation services for intraparty disputes.
Membership Outreach
The Membership Outreach Committee is responsible for outreach to new and existing members; recruiting new members; maintaining a database of current members; tracking memberships and collecting dues; determining what data should be collected from members; assisting members with formation of new local groups; assisting local groups with access to resources; providing the local and state parties with materials for recruiting new members; recruiting members to committees, teams and caucuses; outreach to underrepresented areas and communities; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals.
The Elections Committee is responsible for tracking all elections in the state; prospective candidate recruitment and outreach; initial vetting of prospective candidates; providing information and guidance on election-related filing, paperwork and due dates; recruitment and training of campaign volunteers; acting as a liaison between candidates and the Coordinating Council; promoting endorsed candidates; developing and maintaining an endorsement policy; providing training materials for campaigns; organizing campaign schools; offering guidance on ballot initiatives; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals.
The Finance Committee is responsible for preparing and maintaining an annual budget for the party; maintaining the party’s finances and accounts; providing a monthly finance report to the Coordinating Council; planning the fundraising operations of the party; assisting the state and local parties with fundraising, including training and materials; developing and maintaining a fiscal policy for the party; reporting and filing with the state and federal governments as necessary; overseeing merchandise sales; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals. The Operations Treasurer and Elections Treasurer should be members of this committee, as should the Treasurers of the local parties.
The Communications Committee is responsible for facilitating communications with the party’s membership, the media and the general public; producing regular newsletters and mass emails; creating content for the website and social media; creating written and printed materials and graphic design, including templates for local chapters; providing support and training in communications for the state and local parties and candidates; creating press releases and working with the media; overseeing advertising and marketing; pioneering new forms of communication for the party; developing and maintaining communications policies and procedures; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals.
Platform and Policy
The Platform and Policy Committee is responsible for facilitating the process of amending the party’s platform; developing and maintaining a platform amendment policy; soliciting feedback from members on the platform; educating members about the platform; organizing the platform in a way that is easy to read, search and reference; offering guidance on campaigns and communications regarding issues covered by the platform; producing a shortened manifesto version of the platform when requested by the Coordinating Council; working with elected officials to develop policy in line with the platform; introducing amendments to address new issues as needed; working with candidates on campaign platform development; drafting policy positions on current issues and presenting them to the Coordinating Council for review; facilitating distribution of policy positions to members and the general public; advising local parties on issues and platform development; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals.
Information Technology (IT)
The IT Committee is responsible for managing the party’s website, member database and other technological assets; providing training and tech support for all programs including email, database software, social media, wikis, and other software and technology; manage shared documents; maintain login information for accounts; maintain regular backups of data and records; and coordinating with other committees, the national party and other entities as necessary to achieve these goals.